
1,819 件のレビュー

SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica

SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica

3102 Pico Blvd , Los Angeles, 90405-2006, カリフォルニア州, アメリカ










SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica

ようこそ、SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monicaへ!ロサンゼルスの太陽の下、理想的なホームアウェイフロムホームです!3102ピコブルバードに位置し、活気ある市の中心からわずか20キロ未満の距離にあるこの3つ星の宝石は、カリフォルニアの刺激的な観光地を探索したい旅行者に最適です。料金はわずか$146から始まり、財布に優しい価格で現代的な快適さを楽しむことができます!


私たちのゲストは、広々とした禁煙ルームとフレンドリーなサービスを強調する1,200件以上のレビューで、ここでの体験を絶賛しています。ビーチへの外出から賑やかな都市の冒険まで、SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monicaはすべての旅行の欲望に理想的な場所にあります。さあ、荷物をまとめて、忘れられないカリフォルニアの冒険に備えましょう!

SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monicaでリラックスする準備を整えましょう!豪華なジャグジースイートの一つで、星空を見上げながら心配事を忘れて浸ることで、あなたの一日の完璧な締めくくりを体験してください。スイートジャグジーまたはスイートジャグジーコンチネンタルを選んでも、究極の静けさを見つけることができるでしょう — 逃避を求めるカップルや、少し余分なスペースが必要な家族に最適です。

ペットと一緒に旅行する方もご安心ください!多くの宿泊施設がペットフレンドリーなので、あなたの毛むくじゃらの友達もカリフォルニアの楽しみに参加できます。サンタモニカビーチでの長い散歩の後、四足の仲間と一緒にお部屋でくつろぐ様子を想像してみてください。キッチンを使って、自分とペットのために心を癒すスナックを作りましょう — 結局、幸せなペットは幸せな旅行者を意味します!

居心地の良いシングルから広々としたファミリースイートまで、さまざまな部屋タイプが揃っており、SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monicaにはあなたのための完璧なスポットが待っています。家族はコネクティングルームや広々としたレイアウトを楽しむことができ、カップルは中庭の景色を望むキングルームでロマンチックな休暇を予約できます。どこで頭を休めることを選んでも、リフレッシュしてロサンゼルスの太陽のアトラクションを探索する準備が整います!SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monicaで快適さと冒険の素晴らしい融合を体験してください — 忘れられない思い出が待っています!


Los Angeles International Airport


Burbank Bob Hope Airport


Long Beach Airport


John Wayne Airport-Orange County


Ontario International Airport















Courtyard King Bed in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
Courtyard King Bed in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
Courtyard King Bed in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
Courtyard King Bed in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
Courtyard King Bed in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
Courtyard King Bed in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
Courtyard King Bed in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
Courtyard King Bed in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
Courtyard King Bed in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
Courtyard King Bed in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
Courtyard King Bed in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
Courtyard King Bed in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
Courtyard King Bed in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
Courtyard King Bed in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
Courtyard King Bed in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
Courtyard King Bed in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
Courtyard King Bed in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
Courtyard King Bed in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
Courtyard King Bed in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
Courtyard King Bed in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
Courtyard King Bed in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica


キングベッドルーム, 中庭の眺め

1 キングサイズベッド

280 平方フィート










スイートルーム, キングサイズ

1 キングサイズベッド




Courtyard Queen Room with Two Queen Beds in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
Courtyard Queen Room with Two Queen Beds in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
Courtyard Queen Room with Two Queen Beds in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
Courtyard Queen Room with Two Queen Beds in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
Courtyard Queen Room with Two Queen Beds in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
Courtyard Queen Room with Two Queen Beds in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
Courtyard Queen Room with Two Queen Beds in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
Courtyard Queen Room with Two Queen Beds in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
Courtyard Queen Room with Two Queen Beds in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
Courtyard Queen Room with Two Queen Beds in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
Courtyard Queen Room with Two Queen Beds in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
Courtyard Queen Room with Two Queen Beds in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
Courtyard Queen Room with Two Queen Beds in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
Courtyard Queen Room with Two Queen Beds in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
Courtyard Queen Room with Two Queen Beds in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
Courtyard Queen Room with Two Queen Beds in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
Courtyard Queen Room with Two Queen Beds in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
Courtyard Queen Room with Two Queen Beds in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
Courtyard Queen Room with Two Queen Beds in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
Courtyard Queen Room with Two Queen Beds in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
Courtyard Queen Room with Two Queen Beds in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica


ルーム - クイーンベッド2台, 中庭の眺め

2 クイーンサイズベッド

280 平方フィート







Queen Room with Bath Tub - Disability Access in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
Queen Room with Bath Tub - Disability Access in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
Queen Room with Bath Tub - Disability Access in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
Queen Room with Bath Tub - Disability Access in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
Queen Room with Bath Tub - Disability Access in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
Queen Room with Bath Tub - Disability Access in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
Queen Room with Bath Tub - Disability Access in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
Queen Room with Bath Tub - Disability Access in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
Queen Room with Bath Tub - Disability Access in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
Queen Room with Bath Tub - Disability Access in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
Queen Room with Bath Tub - Disability Access in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
Queen Room with Bath Tub - Disability Access in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
Queen Room with Bath Tub - Disability Access in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
Queen Room with Bath Tub - Disability Access in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
Queen Room with Bath Tub - Disability Access in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
Queen Room with Bath Tub - Disability Access in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
Queen Room with Bath Tub - Disability Access in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
Queen Room with Bath Tub - Disability Access in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica


クイーンベッドルーム, バリアフリー

1 クイーンサイズベッド

280 平方フィート







King Suite with Jacuzzi  in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
King Suite with Jacuzzi  in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
King Suite with Jacuzzi  in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
King Suite with Jacuzzi  in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
King Suite with Jacuzzi  in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
King Suite with Jacuzzi  in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
King Suite with Jacuzzi  in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
King Suite with Jacuzzi  in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
King Suite with Jacuzzi  in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
King Suite with Jacuzzi  in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
King Suite with Jacuzzi  in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
King Suite with Jacuzzi  in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
King Suite with Jacuzzi  in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
King Suite with Jacuzzi  in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
King Suite with Jacuzzi  in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
King Suite with Jacuzzi  in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
King Suite with Jacuzzi  in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
King Suite with Jacuzzi  in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica



1 キングサイズベッド

280 平方フィート









King Room with Kitchenette in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
King Room with Kitchenette in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
King Room with Kitchenette in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
King Room with Kitchenette in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
King Room with Kitchenette in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
King Room with Kitchenette in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
King Room with Kitchenette in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
King Room with Kitchenette in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
King Room with Kitchenette in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
King Room with Kitchenette in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
King Room with Kitchenette in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
King Room with Kitchenette in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
King Room with Kitchenette in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
King Room with Kitchenette in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
King Room with Kitchenette in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
King Room with Kitchenette in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
King Room with Kitchenette in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
King Room with Kitchenette in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica


キングベッドルーム, 簡易キッチン

1 キングサイズベッド

280 平方フィート







Queen Room with Two Queen Beds - Pet Friendly in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds - Pet Friendly in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds - Pet Friendly in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds - Pet Friendly in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds - Pet Friendly in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds - Pet Friendly in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds - Pet Friendly in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds - Pet Friendly in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds - Pet Friendly in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds - Pet Friendly in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds - Pet Friendly in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds - Pet Friendly in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds - Pet Friendly in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds - Pet Friendly in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds - Pet Friendly in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds - Pet Friendly in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds - Pet Friendly in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds - Pet Friendly in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds - Pet Friendly in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds - Pet Friendly in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds - Pet Friendly in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica


ルーム - クイーンベッド2台, ペット可

2 クイーンサイズベッド

280 平方フィート








スイートルーム, 2 ダブルベッド

2 ダブルベッド







Queen Room with Two Queen Beds in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica


ルーム - クイーンベッド2台

2 クイーンサイズベッド

280 平方フィート








King Room in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
King Room in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
King Room in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
King Room in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
King Room in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
King Room in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
King Room in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
King Room in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
King Room in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
King Room in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
King Room in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
King Room in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
King Room in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
King Room in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
King Room in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica



1 キングサイズベッド

280 平方フィート









Double Room with Two Double Beds - Mobility Accessible in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
Double Room with Two Double Beds - Mobility Accessible in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
Double Room with Two Double Beds - Mobility Accessible in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
Double Room with Two Double Beds - Mobility Accessible in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
Double Room with Two Double Beds - Mobility Accessible in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
Double Room with Two Double Beds - Mobility Accessible in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
Double Room with Two Double Beds - Mobility Accessible in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
Double Room with Two Double Beds - Mobility Accessible in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
Double Room with Two Double Beds - Mobility Accessible in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica


ルーム - ダブルベッド2台, バリアフリー

2 ダブルベッド

280 平方フィート









Two-Room Suite with Two Double Beds in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
Two-Room Suite with Two Double Beds in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
Two-Room Suite with Two Double Beds in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
Two-Room Suite with Two Double Beds in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
Two-Room Suite with Two Double Beds in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica
Two-Room Suite with Two Double Beds in SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica



2 ダブルベッド

280 平方フィート









1,819 件のレビュー















Location is great with easy access to both Santa Monica seafront and Los Angeles. Parking is free and plentiful.breakfast not comprehensive but plenty of it, well stocked and enough variety. Rooms are decent sized and although a little dated are well equipped and maintained Good restaurants within walking distance and would recommend Brixton for dinner. Trader Joes is steps away and is a great supermarket if you are not familiar with the brand. 15 minutes walk to nearest metro, with public transport cheap, safe and easy to explore whole area via metro and bus.

Small amount of road noise





LOCATION to gIDE institute. I chose Surestay specifically due to its VERY CLOSE PROXIMITY to gIDE institute. I walked to class and back and only took about 5 minutes. Also, Trader Joe's is right next door! There was PLENTY of parking. The staff were warm, welcoming and attentive. I checked in late and mentioned I had a huge suitcase and they immediately got a gentleman in a split second to come and carry my suitcase up my room in a blink of an eye. There is a good variety of breakfast items. The room was CLEAN and QUIET. I always slept well without being interrupted by neighbors. I think they do an excellent job ensuring everyone is respectful of others, but may be also that they make a point to place you in a quieter area if you request it. I was in building 3 and it was quiet--I REQUESTED A QUIET AREA and DEFINITELY got placed in a great spot! The walls are sufficiently insulated I think, because I didn't hear sounds from next door folks or didn't hear people walking around or taking a shower or using the faucet. I am super sensitive to sounds and Surestay truly enabled me to rest properly without interruptions as I was there for training and needed lots of rest at night.

I can't think of anything





The location is terrific. It is ten minutes from the beach and has easy freeway access but is in a calm, quiet neighborhood next to a Trader Joe's and not far from McD's, Starbucks, and other restaurants. I would *absolutely* stay here again if we returned to the area.

My one and only complaint after a full week's stay is that I absolutely despised the parking lot assigned to the building we stayed in. The two other lots appeared to be fine, but the lot on the east end of the motel has a middle aisle that is much too skinny for comfort.





The property is clean its staff is friendly. Parking was available in this time. Including in the price and breakfast. The breakfast was good no meat but you can choose from cereal, yogurt, bagels, toast, coffee, juice, continental. There are places for eat from expensive to affordable. Restaurants closed at 9:00 we’re get there around 10:00 and it was only one restaurant open a Mexican restaurant next to a small bar. We grab a drink there it was ok .

I did not like the stairs but I can deal with it because parking and breakfast in other places are more money,





The room was very clean and well appointed. We were in the 3rd building, which had a charming courtyard. It was nice that there was a key card entry to get into the courtyard area. The room looked to have been painted recently. I liked that it had a small area with a table and fridge. The front desk employees were very nice and check in was quick.

In our room, the TV had an inch thick black line running through the middle of it where the pixels were dead. We didn't come to watch TV, so that was annoying, but not the end of the world. We let the front desk know right away, but they had no rooms to change us to or tvs to swap out. The parking areas are very small and compact, and it can be difficult to maneuver larger cars in them. There are no elevators to the second story, so keep that in mind when packing.





We had a queen room with two beds. The amenities (fridge, microwave, small table and chairs, desk, closet, private bathroom, etc.), were amazing! It was very clean, quiet, and about three miles from the pier. My teenager really liked our room.

The ice machine was located at the building next door, upstairs. While the setting there was actually quite botanical-like and beautiful, we were directed down a sketchy, back walkway to get to it. Our presence startled a guest walking in front of us. And we noticed how he sped up, hastily opened the gate, rushed in, and quickly closed it as he disappeared out of sight. That was unfortunate.





Property entrance is gated and locked which adds security. Rooms are clean and bathroom and kitchen are separated from the sleeping area, plus there is a small eating space. Breakfast is fine, with pretty much everything you need for breakfast. Staff are very friendly and helpful.

Parking area is too far for the room. The floor between first and second floor rooms is too thin so you can hear steps from the room above you, which is kind of annoying especially when the guests above are walking around late at night and early in the morning!





This is a good place if you want a clean, quiet and comfortable room. I stay here to visit my family. There is free parking and free breakfast. The breakfast is well stocked with coffee and and a pancake machine.

The parking really fills up at night and one night I had to park on the street. They let other people not staying at the hotel park there. There is no elevator and many stairs so it's not good for people with mobility issues.





The room was very clean and looked as if it was renovated not to long ago. We were surprised how quiet it was even though there is quiet some traffic in front of the hotel. Being so close to the "Interstate 10" was great because we were able to get to our destinations fairly quickly (for example Santa Monica 10 mins, Venice 15 mins, Getty Center 20 mins). A lot of comments/ reviews talk about the poor breakfast... However our expectations were exceeded. For American standards the breakfast buffet has a lot to offer: there are bagels, toasts, cereal, fruits (apples & bananas), juices, coffee, tea, boiled eggs, pancakes and yogurts. Parking is free. There are three parking lots. We never had any trouble finding a spot. Great value. Would go back there next year! PS: For European travellers on a budget, we can recommend Ralphs grocery store in the area. They have a great selection (good bread) and good prices. In addition, we were initially worried about parking around Santa Monica and Venice Beach. The prices vary depending were you park. However there is always enough space.





Comfortable bed, clean and spacious room. Our room had a microwave and refrigerator. Attractive courtyard in the 3rd building. Ample free parking. Nice neighborhood with Trader Joe's and UnUrban coffee shop and a Vietnamese restaurant nearby. Breakfast had good selection of foods including gluten free bread.

While not a problem for us, staying in the 3rd building required stairs - so be aware if stairs are an issue for you.

SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica周辺の観光スポット


Marvin Braude Bike Trail


Venice Canals (Venice Canal Historic District)


Robertson Boulevard


Greystone Mansion and Park


Beverly Center


Pacific Design Center (PDC)


Television City


Hancock Park


Paramount Pictures Studio


Hollywood Bowl


The Greek Theatre


Los Angeles Broadway Theater District


Japanese American National Museum


Dodger Stadium


Autry Museum of the American West


SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monicaのアメニティ












滞在規則 - SureStay Hotel by Best Western Santa Monica

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