Madrid hotels. Best hotels in Madrid, Spain

位于 Pozuelo de Alarcón 的酒店


Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid, Spain

計劃前往Pozuelo de Alarcón嗎?讓我們來聊聊酒店吧!如果您想要豪華住宿但又不想花太多錢,萬豪AC Hotel La Finca是一個首選,提供舒適奢華的體驗。對於尋找物超所值的人來說,Eurostars i-hotel Madrid是一個絕佳選擇,提供遠離市中心的寧靜氛圍。但如果您喜歡擁有各種設施的酒店,我建議您查看NH Pozuelo Ciudad de la Imagen,提供舒適愉快的住宿體驗。這些酒店都提供獨特的功能和福利,讓您的住宿難忘,無論您是商務旅客還是享受悠閒度假。這些城市中的精彩酒店提供寵物友好住宿、美味早餐和水療設施,您將在這些精彩酒店中度過愉快時光。祝您旅途愉快,享受在Pozuelo de Alarcón的住宿!

在Pozuelo de Alarcón,酒店一流,提供各種選擇,適合所有旅客!無論您喜歡健身中心、24小時接待櫃台,還是尋找適合家庭的設施,這座城市的酒店都能滿足您的需求。有些甚至提供熱水浴缸和按摩浴缸,非常適合在一天探索後放鬆身心。此外,還有為殘障客人和寵物友好客房提供選擇,每個人都可以參與其中。所以收拾行李,準備在Pozuelo de Alarcón度過美好時光 - 這些出色的四星級酒店提供舒適和便利,應有盡有!

如果您夢想一次愉快的度假,不妨看看Pozuelo de Alarcón的酒店。想象一下在舒適的房間醒來,享受美味的早餐,然後在室外游泳池中嬉戲。在這裡您可以擁有一切!從提供豪華住宿的四星級酒店到價格親民但仍提供舒適和便利的選擇,每位旅客都能找到合適的選擇。擁有誘人的設施,如土耳其/蒸汽浴、現場餐廳和酒吧以及私人停車場,您在Pozuelo de Alarcón的住宿定會令人難忘。預訂您的住宿,準備體驗城市生活的精彩之處!


Facade/entrance, Property Building in H La Cabaña

H La Cabaña




H La Cabaña is a 3-star hotel located in Pozuelo de Alarcón, Spain, offering a convenient 1.6mi distance to the city center. What sets this hotel apart are the various amenities it provides such as a water park, skiing, spa/wellness packages, free Wi-Fi, and a range of additional services like a golf course, tennis court, and a business center available for an extra charge. With a pet-friendly policy, air conditioning, live music performances, and a scenic garden view, H La Cabaña ensures a comfortable and enjoyable stay for its guests.

Bed in Sercotel Pozuelo

Sercotel Pozuelo




Stay at the 4-star Sercotel Pozuelo in Pozuelo de Alarcón, Spain, just 0.4mi from the city center. Enjoy a comfortable stay with free Wi-Fi, air conditioning, and a 24-hour front desk. This pet-friendly hotel also offers private parking, a bar, room service, and free breakfast. With non-smoking rooms, a business center, and free toiletries, Sercotel Pozuelo provides a convenient and cozy experience for all guests.

Property building in AC Hotel La Finca by Marriott

AC Hotel La Finca by Marriott




AC Hotel La Finca by Marriott is a 4-star hotel located in Pozuelo de Alarcón, Spain, just 1mi away from the city center. This hotel stands out from the rest with its featured amenities such as a Turkish/Steam Bath, Fitness center, and a 24-hour front desk. Additionally, guests can enjoy a delicious breakfast included in their stay. The hotel also offers free WiFi, air conditioning and soundproof rooms for maximum comfort. With its extensive range of amenities, AC Hotel La Finca by Marriott ensures a delightful and convenient stay for all guests.

Bed in Eurostars i-hotel Madrid

Eurostars i-hotel Madrid




Eurostars i-hotel Madrid與該地區其他酒店脫穎而出,擁有令人印象深刻的各種設施和便利的地理位置。這家位於西班牙波蘇埃洛德阿拉孔的四星級酒店為客人提供多種設施,包括寵物友好環境、免費無線網絡、spa浴缸和熱水浴缸/按摩浴缸。此外,酒店還提供空調、網球場(需額外收費)、24小時前台和禁煙客房。憑藉其豐富的設施和服務,Eurostars i-hotel Madrid確保所有客人都能度過舒適愉快的住宿。

Bed in NH Pozuelo Ciudad de la Imagen

NH Pozuelo Ciudad de la Imagen




NH Pozuelo Ciudad de la Imagen is a 3-star hotel located in Pozuelo de Alarcón, Spain. With a distance of only 2.7mi to the city center, this hotel offers the convenience of exploring the city while staying in a tranquil area. The hotel stands out as a pet-friendly establishment with air conditioning, soundproof rooms, and a 24-hour front desk for guest assistance. Additionally, the presence of a kid-friendly buffet, bar, and beautiful garden views make it a perfect choice for families and travelers seeking a relaxing stay in a wheelchair accessible and non-smoking environment.

Property building in The Oliver Apartamentos

The Oliver Apartamentos




The Oliver Apartamentos in Pozuelo de Alarcón, Spain, stands out among other hotels with its prime location just 0.5mi from the city center, making it convenient for guests to explore the area. The hotel offers a range of amenities such as an outdoor swimming pool, free Wi-Fi, and air conditioning in non-smoking rooms. With private parking available for an extra charge, guests can enjoy a stress-free stay. Additionally, the option of a private entrance, kitchen facilities, and soundproof rooms provide added comfort and convenience, making The Oliver Apartamentos a top choice for travelers looking for a relaxing and enjoyable stay.


Sercotel Pozuelo,距離市中心僅0.4mi,以其起價$61而廣受歡迎。這家酒店提供一系列設施,如免費Wi-Fi、空調、24小時前台和酒吧。客人可以在探索城市之前享用早餐選項,方便的客房服務確保了舒適的住宿。對於開車抵達的客人,提供額外收費的私人停車位,使其成為尋求預算友好和設備齊全的住宿選擇的旅行者的理想選擇。

AC Hotel La Finca by Marriott,距離市中心1mi,是一家豪華的四星級酒店,起價$186。除了免費Wi-Fi和空調等典型設施外,這家酒店還提供土耳其/蒸汽浴和健身中心等額外服務。客房設有隔音設備,讓客人享受寧靜的夜晚休息,客人可以享受一系列服務,包括客房服務和在酒店內的餐廳用餐。提供私人停車位,適合開車抵達的客人,使其成為尋求舒適和便利的旅客在Pozuelo de Alarcón逗留期間的理想選擇。

Eurostars i-hotel Madrid,距離市中心2.7mi,提供具競爭力的起價$67。這家酒店擁有設施,如免費Wi-Fi、spa浴缸、熱水浴缸,甚至還有網球場,適合希望保持活躍的客人。憑藉24小時前台和隔音客房,客人可以享受舒適和輕鬆的住宿。該物業還設有露台和花園區域,提供一個安靜的環境供客人放鬆。Eurostars i-hotel Madrid是尋求預算友好住宿的旅客的絕佳選擇,在Pozuelo de Alarcón提供了額外的休閒和便利設施。


H La Cabaña是Pozuelo de Alarcón的一家評分頂級的3星級酒店,為客人提供一系列令人興奮的設施。從水上樂園和滑雪到水療/健康套餐,這家酒店承諾讓客人度過充滿樂趣的假期。酒店也允許攜帶寵物,並提供私人停車場、免費Wi-Fi和接駁服務等設施,為客人提供便利。客人可以在酒店的網球場上享受各種活動,或者在附近的高爾夫球場上高爾夫(需額外收費)。

NH Pozuelo Ciudad de la Imagen是另一個受歡迎的選擇,適合造訪Pozuelo de Alarcón的旅客。從$77起的價格,這家酒店為客人提供舒適的住宿和基本設施。酒店提供空調、適合兒童的自助餐和24小時接待櫃檯,為客人提供便利。客房隔音,確保客人能夠安靜入睡,客人可以從酒店的庭院欣賞花園景觀。

H La CabañaNH Pozuelo Ciudad de la Imagen都提供Pozuelo de Alarcón的優質住宿選擇。雖然H La Cabaña提供更廣泛的設施,包括水上樂園和各種運動設施,NH Pozuelo Ciudad de la Imagen則專注於提供舒適的住宿和基本服務,如空調和24小時接待櫃檯。旅客可以根據自己的喜好和預算在這兩個選擇之間做出選擇,確保在這個迷人的城市度過愉快的假期。