
6,825 件のレビュー

Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney

Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney

27 O'connell Street, Sydney, 2000, オーストラリア










Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney

Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydneyの豪華さを発見してください。シドニーの活気ある中心部からわずか0.2マイルに位置する5つ星の宝石です。27オコネルストリートのドアを通り抜ける瞬間から、現代の贅沢とシドニーの魅力が融合した空間に包まれる準備をしてください。$184から始まる価格で、雰囲気を味わうために長く滞在したくなることでしょう。素晴らしい朝食を楽しんだ後は、1日の冒険に飛び込む準備を整えましょう—探検のためのエネルギーがこれほど楽しいことはありません!



Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydneyの美食の世界に足を踏み入れると、素晴らしい3つのダイニングオプションで味覚を満たす準備が整います。ベントレー・レストラン&バーは、国際的な料理と地元の風味が生き生きと表現される現代的な雰囲気を誇り、王族にふさわしい饗宴を創り出します。ロマンチックなディナーや特別な祝い事に関わらず、このダイニング体験は忘れられない印象を与えることでしょう。家族連れには、国際的な美味しい料理を提供するファミリーフレンドリーな空間、レディ・フェアファックス・ルームの魅力があります。食事の時間が子供の遊びのように楽しくなります!ファックスバーは、リラックスに最適な伝統的な設定を提供し、探検の一日を終えた後にぴったりの豊富な飲料のセレクションがあります。


本当にリラックスするために、ホテルのスパで少し贅沢を楽しんでください。心地よいマッサージや多くのリジュビネーティングトリートメントのいずれかを選んでも、リラックスの世界に漂うことができます。無料のWi-Fiと便利なルームサービスが手元にあり、滞在を充実させるために必要なすべてが揃っています。ロバート・ルイス・スティーブンソンはかつて「外国の土地は存在しない。外国人なのは旅人だけだ」と言いました。この考えをRadisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydneyで受け入れ、贅沢と活気ある都市生活があなたの探検を待っています!


Sydney International Airport



















エクストラロングベッド (> 6.5 ft)




Business Class Room in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Business Class Room in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Business Class Room in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Business Class Room in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Business Class Room in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Business Class Room in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Business Class Room in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Business Class Room in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Business Class Room in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Business Class Room in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Business Class Room in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Business Class Room in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Business Class Room in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Business Class Room in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Business Class Room in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Business Class Room in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Business Class Room in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Business Class Room in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Business Class Room in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Business Class Room in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Business Class Room in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Business Class Room in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Business Class Room in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Business Class Room in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Business Class Room in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Business Class Room in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Business Class Room in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Business Class Room in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Business Class Room in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Business Class Room in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney


Business Class, キングサイズ

1 キングサイズベッド

1 クイーンサイズベッド

365 平方フィート









Superior Twin Room in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Superior Twin Room in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Superior Twin Room in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Superior Twin Room in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Superior Twin Room in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Superior Twin Room in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Superior Twin Room in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Superior Twin Room in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Superior Twin Room in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Superior Twin Room in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Superior Twin Room in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Superior Twin Room in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Superior Twin Room in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Superior Twin Room in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Superior Twin Room in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Superior Twin Room in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Superior Twin Room in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Superior Twin Room in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Superior Twin Room in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Superior Twin Room in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Superior Twin Room in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Superior Twin Room in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Superior Twin Room in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Superior Twin Room in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Superior Twin Room in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Superior Twin Room in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Superior Twin Room in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney


スーペリア, 2 シングルベッド

2 シングルベッド

30 平方フィート








スーペリア, キング/クイーンベッド

1 キングサイズベッド

1 クイーンサイズベッド

365 平方フィート





Deluxe Double Room with Balcony in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Deluxe Double Room with Balcony in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Deluxe Double Room with Balcony in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Deluxe Double Room with Balcony in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Deluxe Double Room with Balcony in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Deluxe Double Room with Balcony in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Deluxe Double Room with Balcony in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Deluxe Double Room with Balcony in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Deluxe Double Room with Balcony in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Deluxe Double Room with Balcony in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Deluxe Double Room with Balcony in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Deluxe Double Room with Balcony in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Deluxe Double Room with Balcony in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Deluxe Double Room with Balcony in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Deluxe Double Room with Balcony in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Deluxe Double Room with Balcony in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Deluxe Double Room with Balcony in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Deluxe Double Room with Balcony in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Deluxe Double Room with Balcony in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Deluxe Double Room with Balcony in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Deluxe Double Room with Balcony in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Deluxe Double Room with Balcony in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Deluxe Double Room with Balcony in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Deluxe Double Room with Balcony in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Deluxe Double Room with Balcony in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Deluxe Double Room with Balcony in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Deluxe Double Room with Balcony in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney


デラックス, バルコニー

1 キングサイズベッド

365 平方フィート







Excecutive Suite in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Excecutive Suite in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Excecutive Suite in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Excecutive Suite in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Excecutive Suite in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Excecutive Suite in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Excecutive Suite in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Excecutive Suite in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Excecutive Suite in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Excecutive Suite in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Excecutive Suite in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Excecutive Suite in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Excecutive Suite in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Excecutive Suite in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Excecutive Suite in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Excecutive Suite in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Excecutive Suite in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Excecutive Suite in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney



1 キングサイズベッド

85 平方フィート









Studio King Spa Suite in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Studio King Spa Suite in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Studio King Spa Suite in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Studio King Spa Suite in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Studio King Spa Suite in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Studio King Spa Suite in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Studio King Spa Suite in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Studio King Spa Suite in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Studio King Spa Suite in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Studio King Spa Suite in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Studio King Spa Suite in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Studio King Spa Suite in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Studio King Spa Suite in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Studio King Spa Suite in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Studio King Spa Suite in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Studio King Spa Suite in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Studio King Spa Suite in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Studio King Spa Suite in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Studio King Spa Suite in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Studio King Spa Suite in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Studio King Spa Suite in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Studio King Spa Suite in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Studio King Spa Suite in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Studio King Spa Suite in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Studio King Spa Suite in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Studio King Spa Suite in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Studio King Spa Suite in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Studio King Spa Suite in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Studio King Spa Suite in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Studio King Spa Suite in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Studio King Spa Suite in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Studio King Spa Suite in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Studio King Spa Suite in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Studio King Spa Suite in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Studio King Spa Suite in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Studio King Spa Suite in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Studio King Spa Suite in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Studio King Spa Suite in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Studio King Spa Suite in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney


Studio Spa Suite

1 キングサイズベッド

570 平方フィート







Excecutive Suite in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Excecutive Suite in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Excecutive Suite in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Excecutive Suite in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Excecutive Suite in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Excecutive Suite in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Excecutive Suite in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Excecutive Suite in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Excecutive Suite in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Excecutive Suite in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Excecutive Suite in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Excecutive Suite in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Excecutive Suite in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Excecutive Suite in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Excecutive Suite in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Excecutive Suite in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Excecutive Suite in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Excecutive Suite in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney


Excecutive Suite

1 キングサイズベッド

925 平方フィート







Business Class Room in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Business Class Room in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Business Class Room in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Business Class Room in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Business Class Room in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Business Class Room in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Business Class Room in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Business Class Room in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Business Class Room in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Business Class Room in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Business Class Room in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Business Class Room in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Business Class Room in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Business Class Room in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Business Class Room in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Business Class Room in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Business Class Room in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Business Class Room in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Business Class Room in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Business Class Room in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Business Class Room in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Business Class Room in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Business Class Room in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Business Class Room in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Business Class Room in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Business Class Room in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Business Class Room in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Business Class Room in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Business Class Room in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Business Class Room in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney


Business Class, キング/クイーンベッド

1 キングサイズベッド

1 クイーンサイズベッド

365 平方フィート






Standard Double Room - Atrium View  in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Standard Double Room - Atrium View  in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Standard Double Room - Atrium View  in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Standard Double Room - Atrium View  in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Standard Double Room - Atrium View  in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Standard Double Room - Atrium View  in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Standard Double Room - Atrium View  in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Standard Double Room - Atrium View  in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Standard Double Room - Atrium View  in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Standard Double Room - Atrium View  in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Standard Double Room - Atrium View  in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Standard Double Room - Atrium View  in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Standard Double Room - Atrium View  in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Standard Double Room - Atrium View  in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Standard Double Room - Atrium View  in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Standard Double Room - Atrium View  in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Standard Double Room - Atrium View  in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Standard Double Room - Atrium View  in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Standard Double Room - Atrium View  in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Standard Double Room - Atrium View  in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Standard Double Room - Atrium View  in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Standard Double Room - Atrium View  in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Standard Double Room - Atrium View  in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Standard Double Room - Atrium View  in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Standard Double Room - Atrium View  in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Standard Double Room - Atrium View  in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Standard Double Room - Atrium View  in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Standard Double Room - Atrium View  in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Standard Double Room - Atrium View  in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Standard Double Room - Atrium View  in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Standard Double Room - Atrium View  in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Standard Double Room - Atrium View  in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Standard Double Room - Atrium View  in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Standard Double Room - Atrium View  in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Standard Double Room - Atrium View  in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Standard Double Room - Atrium View  in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Standard Double Room - Atrium View  in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Standard Double Room - Atrium View  in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Standard Double Room - Atrium View  in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Standard Double Room - Atrium View  in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Standard Double Room - Atrium View  in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Standard Double Room - Atrium View  in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Standard Double Room - Atrium View  in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Standard Double Room - Atrium View  in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Standard Double Room - Atrium View  in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney


スタンダード, アトリウムビュー

1 クイーンサイズベッド

345 平方フィート







Superior Twin Room in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Superior Twin Room in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Superior Twin Room in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Superior Twin Room in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Superior Twin Room in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Superior Twin Room in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Superior Twin Room in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Superior Twin Room in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Superior Twin Room in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Superior Twin Room in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Superior Twin Room in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Superior Twin Room in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Superior Twin Room in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Superior Twin Room in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Superior Twin Room in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Superior Twin Room in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Superior Twin Room in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Superior Twin Room in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Superior Twin Room in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Superior Twin Room in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Superior Twin Room in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Superior Twin Room in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Superior Twin Room in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Superior Twin Room in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Superior Twin Room in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Superior Twin Room in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Superior Twin Room in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney


スーペリア, 2 シングルベッド

2 シングルベッド

365 平方フィート







Deluxe Double Room with Balcony in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Deluxe Double Room with Balcony in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Deluxe Double Room with Balcony in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Deluxe Double Room with Balcony in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Deluxe Double Room with Balcony in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Deluxe Double Room with Balcony in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Deluxe Double Room with Balcony in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Deluxe Double Room with Balcony in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Deluxe Double Room with Balcony in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Deluxe Double Room with Balcony in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Deluxe Double Room with Balcony in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Deluxe Double Room with Balcony in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Deluxe Double Room with Balcony in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Deluxe Double Room with Balcony in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Deluxe Double Room with Balcony in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Deluxe Double Room with Balcony in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Deluxe Double Room with Balcony in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Deluxe Double Room with Balcony in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Deluxe Double Room with Balcony in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Deluxe Double Room with Balcony in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Deluxe Double Room with Balcony in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Deluxe Double Room with Balcony in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Deluxe Double Room with Balcony in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Deluxe Double Room with Balcony in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Deluxe Double Room with Balcony in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Deluxe Double Room with Balcony in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
Deluxe Double Room with Balcony in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney


デラックス, キングサイズ, バルコニー

1 キングサイズベッド

365 平方フィート







One-Bedroom Suite in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
One-Bedroom Suite in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
One-Bedroom Suite in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
One-Bedroom Suite in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
One-Bedroom Suite in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
One-Bedroom Suite in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
One-Bedroom Suite in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
One-Bedroom Suite in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
One-Bedroom Suite in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
One-Bedroom Suite in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
One-Bedroom Suite in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
One-Bedroom Suite in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
One-Bedroom Suite in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
One-Bedroom Suite in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
One-Bedroom Suite in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
One-Bedroom Suite in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
One-Bedroom Suite in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
One-Bedroom Suite in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
One-Bedroom Suite in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
One-Bedroom Suite in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
One-Bedroom Suite in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
One-Bedroom Suite in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
One-Bedroom Suite in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
One-Bedroom Suite in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
One-Bedroom Suite in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
One-Bedroom Suite in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney
One-Bedroom Suite in Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney



1 キングサイズベッド

605 平方フィート











6,825 件のレビュー















The central location close to the harbour was excellent. Room was very nice and the bed was really comfortable and had all the amenities. The check in was fast and efficient and your concierge gentlemen were more than helpful on all occasions during our three days. Having water and little snacks in the lobby was a pleasant surprise. Having the use of a pool and hot tub was enjoyable!

The hot tub was difficult to get in and out of as there was only one deep step. Help would be needed to get out if you were elderly or physically impaired. The lounge and food service was a bit of a disappointment. There seemed to be a shortage of staff. One or two servers in the lounge area when it was at full capacity was inadequate. The server we had was doing her best, but it was impossible for her to handle so many tables during the evening rush. Our last morning , coffee and toast took 45 minutes and I had to ask for the bill twice. We found most of the food we ordered to be really delicious, though a bit on the expensive side. Our last evening I ordered a crab linguine special which I don’t recommend. Undercooked, tasteless, and way too many capers thrown in.





My recent stay at the Radisson Blu in Sydney left an enduring impression, setting a new standard for exceptional accommodation. The combination of spacious rooms, comprehensive amenities, and an unbeatable location made this experience truly remarkable. The room's expansive layout immediately caught my attention, offering an abundance of space that was both inviting and comfortable. The meticulous attention to detail in room design was evident, and the array of amenities provided ensured that every conceivable need was met. From modern conveniences to thoughtful touches, the room was a sanctuary of comfort and convenience. Undoubtedly, one of the hotel's standout features is its prime location. Situated in close proximity to Circular Quay, the Botanical Gardens, and the central business district, the Radisson Blu offers unrivaled convenience for exploring Sydney's iconic attractions. The short walk to these landmarks made my stay not only enjoyable but also allowed for efficient exploration of the city's cultural and commercial hubs. The level of service and hospitality exhibited by the staff was exceptional. Their professionalism and attentiveness were evident in every interaction, ensuring that I felt valued as a guest throughout my stay. The seamless check-in process and their willingness to accommodate special requests further underscored the hotel's commitment to guest satisfaction. Reflecting on my experience, I have no hesitation in proclaiming that I would unequivocally choose to stay at Radisson Blu Sydney again. This stay was nothing short of outstanding, and the blend of luxurious accommodations, unbeatable location, and attentive service make it a definitive choice for any traveler seeking a remarkable stay in the heart of Sydney. Departing with fond memories and a desire to return, I am confident in recommending the Radisson Blu to those seeking an unforgettable experience in this vibrant city.





Downstairs breakfast room was very poor - very limited food compared to main breakfast room, missing bowls, jams etc as staff not available to replace them (although I asked the staff), only 2 staff who were generally not available as they were picking up eggs and coffees for people as these were not available in this room. Very disappointing so we refused to be sent there after the first day - the main breakfast is good.





Loved my stay and I was impressed with the excellent service right from the start. I got a room that I didn't like personally so I spoke to the reception. Staff Baily was very helpful. He changed my room to my preference with no fuss. I loved the new room. It was just perfect! The concierge was super helpful, even walked me out to show me the station. I even really enjoyed the shampoo and shower gel, everything was top quality. The smell of room was beautiful, makes me feel relaxed.. The location was the best. 2 min walk to train station and light rail. Everything was walking distance. Central location but very quiet street. Spa and swimming were also a bonus.

The buffet breakfast was good, food was delicious. It would be great if there's more space and brista made coffee The chef was very friendly though, makes me feel very welcomed.





The hotel is located in the CBD of Sydney, with the train station and station nearby. We can take a train directly from the airport in 25 minutes, which is very convenient for travel! The city center is also 20 minute walk away from the Royal Botanical Garden, the Art Museum, the Church of the Virgin Mary, the Victoria Building, the Sydney Tower, the Rock District Opera House, and the Harbour Bridge. The staff are highly qualified, enthusiastic, and helpful! The hotel environment is good, quaint and elegant, the room is large, hygienic and clean, the bed is comfortable, the bathroom is large, and the shower is very comfortable. 5-star recommendation for everyone! My accommodation experience was great!






One of the best service I have ever had. Location was very convenient and the room seems to be larger than other hotels with similar price. We went out of town a few days before coming back for second part of the stay, and they had no problem storing suitcases during that time. Even sent the bag up to the room before my arrival. Also we were assigned into a nicer room than the first part of the stay, which was a great bonus score. I would like to also mention that the bell counter and front staff very friendly, efficient, and thoughtful. All my check-ins/outs were a breeze like I had never had before. We dropped off the suitcases at the hotel before retuning the car we rented, and due to the limited time and street parking space I thought I would check-in later after we returned the car. However the bell counter told me check-in would only take a few minutes, and so that they can send our suitcases to the room right away. He even had the other bellman went out to tell my husband waiting in the car that I would take a few extra minutes, how thoughtful! Would definitely love to stay here again when in Sydney next time.





The Staff were excellent very lovely people very helpful and accommodating and also the location was great. The room was very clean and the bath was great to relax in. We only had breakfast one morning during our 3-night stay and it was a great selection. Honestly, the staff on every level were just great including the Valet guys and it was great to see such a multicultural staff. Excellent service.

The bed and pillows were extremely uncomfortable and I left with a very painful back. But I should have told the staff because they would have helped to make it comfortable. The menu wasn't very good, especially the dessert menu really needs replacing. The bar staff, very nice people but they should take lessons in how to make cocktails it would help them.





The reception team kindly let us check into our room when we arrived early morning off a red-eye flight. We were also able to use the gym showers after check-out before our next flight, which was really helpful. Really comfortable bed and pillows. Good blackout curtains. Spacious room. Tim tams provided in the fridge :) The location was really convenient - only a 10 minute walk to Circular Quay to catch a ferry. We didn’t have breakfast or meals at the hotel, so can’t comment on those.





The central location was perfect. Within walking distance to the ferry terminal, opera house and the Rocks. The valet parking facilities for AUD75.- per night were very convenient. We received a room upgrade when I mentioned it was our wedding anniversary. The room was very spacious and well-equipped. The staff were extremely helpful and attentive.

The noise from the metro construction opposite. Started at 7am until late, even on Saturday. The air conditioning was too cold in the reception and bar. The duvet (doona) didn’t have a duvet cover. Just two sheets around it. We saw this in most of the other Australia hotels we visited. Unhygienic and not practical.





Raddison is always difficult to fault. Their staff are trained to listen first, understand what is being said and then respond. Staff are attentive without being intrusive. The rooms have fully functioning aircon and heating. Unlike many hotels their age, the thermostat is an actual thermostat, not just decoration. Rooms are always clean and done so on a highly efficient schedule that is timed to perfection for working professionals. Go down to eat, come back up and your rooms are impeccably cleaned.

The decor is dated and needs some updating. For the price they should invest in bringing this up to this century. It can feel like walking into the 80's.

Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney周辺の観光スポット


Sydney Central Business District


Nurses Walk


Queen Victoria Building (QVB)


Bradleys Head


Sydney Fish Market (SFM)


Goat Island


Garden Island


Oxford Street




Bondi to Coogee Beach Coastal Walk


Shelly Beach


Avalon Beach


Milsons Point


Woy Woy


Wattamolla Beach



Bentley Restaurant and Bar


  • インターナショナル


  • モダンな

Lady Fairfax Room


  • インターナショナル


  • ファミリーフレンドリー

The Fax Bar


  • インターナショナル


  • 伝統的な



  • 屋内の


  • 温水


  • オールシーズン

Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydneyのアメニティ

















エクストラロングベッド (> 6.5 ft)



滞在規則 - Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Sydney

  • チェックイン / チェックアウト

  • ペット

  • インターネット

  • 年齢制限

  • 門限

  • 駐車場

  • 子供とベッド

  • この施設で受け付けるカード

