
6,282 件のレビュー

ibis London Earls Court

ibis London Earls Court

47 Lillie Road, London, SW6 1UD, 英国










ibis London Earls Court

ibis London Earls Courtへようこそ。ロンドン、イギリスの活気ある都市に位置する居心地の良い3つ星ホテルです。このホテルは市内中心部からわずか3.5マイルの距離にあり、すべての見どころや名所へ簡単にアクセスできます。6282のレビューを受け、ibis London Earls Courtは旅行者の間でお気に入りの選択肢となっています。1泊$102からの料金で、このホテルはお金に見合った素晴らしい価値を提供しています。ホテルが提供する美味しい朝食で、1日を良いスタートを切ることができます。無料Wi-Fi、24時間対応のフロントデスク、バー、レストランなどの設備を利用できます。ホテルではペット同伴の宿泊施設(追加料金がかかる場合あり)や専用駐車場(追加料金あり)も提供しています。ibis London Earls Courtでの滞在中は快適さと利便性を体験してください。お部屋を今すぐ予約し、ロンドンの冒険を最大限に楽しんでください!

ロンドンの活気ある街を探索した後、ibis London Earls Courtのオンサイトレストランで空腹を満たしましょう。ラ・ターブルは、家族向けでモダンな雰囲気を提供し、インターナショナル料理を含むさまざまな料理を提供しています。ブリティッシュクラシック、イタリアンフェイバリット、または美味しいピザを楽しんでいただける、ラ・ターブルにはあらゆる味覚を満足させるものがあります。より伝統的な体験を求める場合は、ジョージ&ドラゴンパブに行って、ブリティッシュ、イタリアン、地中海、ヨーロッパの味を家族向けでモダンな雰囲気で楽しむことができます。これらのダイニングオプションで、ibis London Earls Courtでの滞在中に味覚が喜ぶこと間違いありません。ストレスフリーな体験を確保するために、ibis London Earls Courtはマスターカード、ダイナーズクラブ、アメリカンエクスプレス、ビザ、マエストロなどのさまざまな支払い方法を受け入れています。現金支払いも可能で、請求書を支払う便利なオプションを提供します。宿泊ニーズに関しては、ibis London Earls Courtはあらゆる好みに合わせたさまざまな部屋タイプを提供しています。2名の大人と1名の子供を収容できる新しく改装されたスタンダードダブルまたはツインルームから、3名の大人と2名の子供に適したソファーベッド付きのトリプルルームまで、誰にでも快適なオプションがあります。各部屋は禁煙で、快適なベッドが付いており、良い夜の睡眠を確保します。スタンダードダブルルームは194平方フィートで、スーペリアダブルルームは215平方フィートの広々としたスペースを提供し、ロンドンでの冒険の後にリラックスしてくつろぐのに十分なスペースを提供します。ロンドンの冒険を最大限に活用するために、ibis London Earls Courtを第二の故郷として選んでください。ペットフレンドリーポリシー、美味しいダイニングオプション、便利な支払い方法、快適な宿泊施設を備えたこのホテルは、ロンドンの中心部での滞在に快適さ、便利さ、手頃さを完璧に提供します。今すぐお部屋を予約して、忘れられない体験に備えましょう!


London City Airport


London Heathrow Airport


London Gatwick Airport


Luton Airport


London Stansted Airport















デラックス, シングル

1 シングルベッド

225 平方フィート







スーペリア, キングサイズ, シティビュー

1 キングサイズベッド

205 平方フィート





Standard Double Room in ibis London Earls Court
Standard Double Room in ibis London Earls Court
Standard Double Room in ibis London Earls Court
Standard Double Room in ibis London Earls Court
Standard Double Room in ibis London Earls Court
Standard Double Room in ibis London Earls Court
Standard Double Room in ibis London Earls Court
Standard Double Room in ibis London Earls Court
Standard Double Room in ibis London Earls Court
Standard Double Room in ibis London Earls Court
Standard Double Room in ibis London Earls Court
Standard Double Room in ibis London Earls Court
Standard Double Room in ibis London Earls Court
Standard Double Room in ibis London Earls Court
Standard Double Room in ibis London Earls Court
Standard Double Room in ibis London Earls Court
Standard Double Room in ibis London Earls Court
Standard Double Room in ibis London Earls Court
Standard Double Room in ibis London Earls Court
Standard Double Room in ibis London Earls Court
Standard Double Room in ibis London Earls Court
Standard Double Room in ibis London Earls Court
Standard Double Room in ibis London Earls Court
Standard Double Room in ibis London Earls Court


スタンダード, ダブル

1 ダブルベッド

180 平方フィート










Newly Refurbished Standard, ダブル, シングルユース

1 ダブルベッド




デラックス, キングサイズ, 高層階

1 キングサイズベッド

225 平方フィート






Newly Refurbished - Standard Double Room in ibis London Earls Court
Newly Refurbished - Standard Double Room in ibis London Earls Court
Newly Refurbished - Standard Double Room in ibis London Earls Court
Newly Refurbished - Standard Double Room in ibis London Earls Court
Newly Refurbished - Standard Double Room in ibis London Earls Court
Newly Refurbished - Standard Double Room in ibis London Earls Court
Newly Refurbished - Standard Double Room in ibis London Earls Court
Newly Refurbished - Standard Double Room in ibis London Earls Court
Newly Refurbished - Standard Double Room in ibis London Earls Court
Newly Refurbished - Standard Double Room in ibis London Earls Court
Newly Refurbished - Standard Double Room in ibis London Earls Court
Newly Refurbished - Standard Double Room in ibis London Earls Court
Newly Refurbished - Standard Double Room in ibis London Earls Court
Newly Refurbished - Standard Double Room in ibis London Earls Court
Newly Refurbished - Standard Double Room in ibis London Earls Court
Newly Refurbished - Standard Double Room in ibis London Earls Court
Newly Refurbished - Standard Double Room in ibis London Earls Court
Newly Refurbished - Standard Double Room in ibis London Earls Court


Newly Refurbished Standard, ダブル

1 ダブルベッド

180 平方フィート





Superior Double Room in ibis London Earls Court
Superior Double Room in ibis London Earls Court
Superior Double Room in ibis London Earls Court
Superior Double Room in ibis London Earls Court
Superior Double Room in ibis London Earls Court
Superior Double Room in ibis London Earls Court
Superior Double Room in ibis London Earls Court
Superior Double Room in ibis London Earls Court
Superior Double Room in ibis London Earls Court
Superior Double Room in ibis London Earls Court
Superior Double Room in ibis London Earls Court
Superior Double Room in ibis London Earls Court
Superior Double Room in ibis London Earls Court
Superior Double Room in ibis London Earls Court
Superior Double Room in ibis London Earls Court
Superior Double Room in ibis London Earls Court
Superior Double Room in ibis London Earls Court
Superior Double Room in ibis London Earls Court
Superior Double Room in ibis London Earls Court
Superior Double Room in ibis London Earls Court
Superior Double Room in ibis London Earls Court
Superior Double Room in ibis London Earls Court
Superior Double Room in ibis London Earls Court
Superior Double Room in ibis London Earls Court
Superior Double Room in ibis London Earls Court
Superior Double Room in ibis London Earls Court
Superior Double Room in ibis London Earls Court
Superior Double Room in ibis London Earls Court
Superior Double Room in ibis London Earls Court
Superior Double Room in ibis London Earls Court
Superior Double Room in ibis London Earls Court
Superior Double Room in ibis London Earls Court
Superior Double Room in ibis London Earls Court
Superior Double Room in ibis London Earls Court
Superior Double Room in ibis London Earls Court
Superior Double Room in ibis London Earls Court


スーペリア, ダブル

1 ダブルベッド

215 平方フィート










スーペリアファミリー, キングサイズ, ソファーベッド

1 キングサイズベッド

1 ソファベッド



Newly Refurbished - Standard Twin Room in ibis London Earls Court
Newly Refurbished - Standard Twin Room in ibis London Earls Court
Newly Refurbished - Standard Twin Room in ibis London Earls Court
Newly Refurbished - Standard Twin Room in ibis London Earls Court
Newly Refurbished - Standard Twin Room in ibis London Earls Court
Newly Refurbished - Standard Twin Room in ibis London Earls Court
Newly Refurbished - Standard Twin Room in ibis London Earls Court
Newly Refurbished - Standard Twin Room in ibis London Earls Court
Newly Refurbished - Standard Twin Room in ibis London Earls Court
Newly Refurbished - Standard Twin Room in ibis London Earls Court
Newly Refurbished - Standard Twin Room in ibis London Earls Court
Newly Refurbished - Standard Twin Room in ibis London Earls Court
Newly Refurbished - Standard Twin Room in ibis London Earls Court
Newly Refurbished - Standard Twin Room in ibis London Earls Court
Newly Refurbished - Standard Twin Room in ibis London Earls Court
Newly Refurbished - Standard Twin Room in ibis London Earls Court
Newly Refurbished - Standard Twin Room in ibis London Earls Court
Newly Refurbished - Standard Twin Room in ibis London Earls Court


Newly Refurbished Standard, 2つのシングルベッド

2 シングルベッド

180 平方フィート






スーペリア, キングサイズ

1 キングサイズベッド

225 平方フィート





Superior Triple Room with Two Single Beds and One Sofa  in ibis London Earls Court
Superior Triple Room with Two Single Beds and One Sofa  in ibis London Earls Court
Superior Triple Room with Two Single Beds and One Sofa  in ibis London Earls Court
Superior Triple Room with Two Single Beds and One Sofa  in ibis London Earls Court
Superior Triple Room with Two Single Beds and One Sofa  in ibis London Earls Court
Superior Triple Room with Two Single Beds and One Sofa  in ibis London Earls Court
Superior Triple Room with Two Single Beds and One Sofa  in ibis London Earls Court
Superior Triple Room with Two Single Beds and One Sofa  in ibis London Earls Court
Superior Triple Room with Two Single Beds and One Sofa  in ibis London Earls Court
Superior Triple Room with Two Single Beds and One Sofa  in ibis London Earls Court
Superior Triple Room with Two Single Beds and One Sofa  in ibis London Earls Court
Superior Triple Room with Two Single Beds and One Sofa  in ibis London Earls Court
Superior Triple Room with Two Single Beds and One Sofa  in ibis London Earls Court
Superior Triple Room with Two Single Beds and One Sofa  in ibis London Earls Court
Superior Triple Room with Two Single Beds and One Sofa  in ibis London Earls Court
Superior Triple Room with Two Single Beds and One Sofa  in ibis London Earls Court
Superior Triple Room with Two Single Beds and One Sofa  in ibis London Earls Court
Superior Triple Room with Two Single Beds and One Sofa  in ibis London Earls Court
Superior Triple Room with Two Single Beds and One Sofa  in ibis London Earls Court
Superior Triple Room with Two Single Beds and One Sofa  in ibis London Earls Court
Superior Triple Room with Two Single Beds and One Sofa  in ibis London Earls Court


Newly Refurbished Standard, 2 シングルベッド, ソファーベッド

2 シングルベッド

1 ソファベッド

215 平方フィート






Superior Family Room with One Queen Bed and Sofa Bed in ibis London Earls Court
Superior Family Room with One Queen Bed and Sofa Bed in ibis London Earls Court
Superior Family Room with One Queen Bed and Sofa Bed in ibis London Earls Court
Superior Family Room with One Queen Bed and Sofa Bed in ibis London Earls Court
Superior Family Room with One Queen Bed and Sofa Bed in ibis London Earls Court
Superior Family Room with One Queen Bed and Sofa Bed in ibis London Earls Court
Superior Family Room with One Queen Bed and Sofa Bed in ibis London Earls Court
Superior Family Room with One Queen Bed and Sofa Bed in ibis London Earls Court
Superior Family Room with One Queen Bed and Sofa Bed in ibis London Earls Court
Superior Family Room with One Queen Bed and Sofa Bed in ibis London Earls Court
Superior Family Room with One Queen Bed and Sofa Bed in ibis London Earls Court
Superior Family Room with One Queen Bed and Sofa Bed in ibis London Earls Court
Superior Family Room with One Queen Bed and Sofa Bed in ibis London Earls Court
Superior Family Room with One Queen Bed and Sofa Bed in ibis London Earls Court
Superior Family Room with One Queen Bed and Sofa Bed in ibis London Earls Court
Superior Family Room with One Queen Bed and Sofa Bed in ibis London Earls Court
Superior Family Room with One Queen Bed and Sofa Bed in ibis London Earls Court
Superior Family Room with One Queen Bed and Sofa Bed in ibis London Earls Court
Superior Family Room with One Queen Bed and Sofa Bed in ibis London Earls Court
Superior Family Room with One Queen Bed and Sofa Bed in ibis London Earls Court
Superior Family Room with One Queen Bed and Sofa Bed in ibis London Earls Court


Newly Refurbished Standard, ダブル, ソファーベッド

1 キングサイズベッド

1 ソファベッド

215 平方フィート








6,282 件のレビュー















The location is perfect for reaching the tube and the area itself is nice to walk around. The room has been recently upgraded and feels really nice and modern. The check in staff were lovely and the hotel feels really nice in the communal areas.

The only thing that put a downer on it was getting a knock on the door to ask what time we were leaving it 0845am. Check out isn’t until 1200pm. The lady said ‘you are checking out today, what time will you be leaving?’ I was so off guard I just gave a time, she said ok and walked away. Fortunately we were already awake but it was so strange being asked to give a time, it felt as though we were being hurried along which was really uncomfortable. There was no apology for disturbing us, just an ‘ok’, she wrote the time I gave down and walked away.





Excellent location. Good value for money. Free drink voucher to use in hotel pub. If you're parking there pay at reception for a discount. We didn't realise and paid at the machine. Cost £18 more! Housekeeping good. Tea/coffee replenished daily as were the towels. All in all, it is a good place to start to see the wonderful sights of London!

Air con not great (we werei in an unrefrbished room which we didn't mindat all), but too hot. Offered a fan but didn't receive one. However, we would stay there again.





Location is close enough to Tube station. I like the hairdryer - it is relatively quiet and dries my hair a lot quicker. I like that flat iron/ironing board is also provided. I like that extra pillows are provided.! I like that there are 4 working elevators .. I like that there is a huge storage room to keep luggage in for early check out or if early check in is not available.

The shower curtain was filthy. I took it down so staff would changed it . The same soiled curtain was put back up. Also, the A/C does not maintain cool temperature .. it starts cool but room becomes warmer as time progresses. It would help to have an electric fan in the room. Lunch is not available until 1-1:30p





Everything you'd expect from a room, surprisingly modern and fresh bathroom! I liked the addition of a USB cube! Great breakfast buffet with cooked and continental options, and the pub/restaurant was enjoyable too, good to have an easy option nearby. The city view from my room was very good, especially at night!

The decor was a bit dated (though not a big issue), the corridors looked worse than the rooms! No sockets near bed was a bit annoying. My soap dispenser was empty though and it took most of my holiday to get it refilled (not sure if I kept missing them?). The staff seemed to have a bit of a language barrier so it was awkward at times.





- of all the Ibis’s I’ve stayed at, this had the absolutely best of the best and also the largest breakfast buffet and I loved each and every bit of food and drinks that were available - the water pressure of the shower was great - I loved the fact that the hotel has its own little pub. It makes getting dinner so much easier. - I was positively surprised that this hotel not only offered tourist-y stuff, like maps or the opportunity to book certain tours etc., but also such everyday things like an umbrella service where one could take and return those when needed or -in today’s day and age very important- a charging station for mobile phones

- nothing. Everything was great





The location was excellent. The room was amazingly simple but cozy and had all the amenities like kettle. I also liked the ability to open both windows and allow fresh air to circulate. The front desk was most helpful, friendly, and very efficient. Naseer was exceptionally helpful and understood good customer service. I hope I got the spelling right on the name. There are a lot of people, particularly tour groups, in the hotel and the front desk deals so well with everyone. There was never a long wait. The room design was phenomenal. I liked the open concept wardrobe and desk. It is practically impossible to leave an item behind. I had seen the room cleaning crew working late the evening I arrived, so I decided the next day to hang the tab on my door to skip cleaning and save the planet. Later, I saw the crew in the corridor and stopped to give a tip as I was leaving the next morning. One of the women refused to accept the tip and told me to give it to the other woman. That is when I realized she was the supervisor/manager. I was so impressed with her management skills. I have been in hotels where the supervisor goes into a room first and comes out stuffing money in her pocket that was meant for the maids. The Ibis supervisor is a great asset to the hotel and a good reflection on the whole Ibis management team. It starts at the top. I have stayed at Ibis Hotels before, and I like the chain. Thank you.

No fridge.





We stayed during a heatwave and as the Earls court tube station is a good 15 to 20 minute walk away, by the time we got to the hotel we were hot and sweaty. Walking in to the main lobby was so refreshing with their air conditioning. The staff were very friendly and the room had everything we needed, except maybe a fridge as in the hot weather it would have been useful to keep our drinks cold. It was good that we could choose to stay in either a standard room or for a little bit more, a newly refurbished room. We chose a standard room and it was perfectly fine. The free WiFi worked well throughout our stay.

The hotel is a 15 to 20 minute walk from Earls court station and also a good 20 minute walk in the opposite direction to Stamford Bridge if wanting to book for a Chelsea game. There are plenty of shops, eateries and bars in short walking distance to the hotel though.





The hotel staff are amazing. They're so helpful, attentive, courteous and polite. There's a great breakfast and good evening food available in the hotel bar. Price was ok for London.

Lack of decent bedroom air con. Decor tired in the corridor area. Be aware that there's an underground hotel car park but there's a 1.72m height restriction. I saw one guy who had smashed his Porsche Cayenne's rear window whilst opening his tailgate; another in an XC90 pranged his tailgate whilst opening. I had an estate car and the height was fine for me but you will need to be very careful in a 4x4.





Breakfast was excellent. We had breakfast early on the first day and staff were very helpful and all the food was ready. The second morning we were at breakfast later - 9.15am and again all was good and the staff coped so well as it was very busy. We ate in the bar the second night after a day at Wimbledon. The food arrived quickly which was very much appreciated. I paid extra for the new rooms which are a delight . I stayed there last October with my husband and we were in the old bedrooms which did need a make over.

We got woken on the second night by a knock on the door to say that the panic button had gone off. We were both asleep and did not know where that button was! It was a bit of a shock to say the least. Not sure why I had to pay extra for the new room.





The staff in in check-in counter were very helpful, as we needed an extra bed, they tried their best to help us to upgrade to three beds room. Very friendly and kindness.

It seems the housing keeping work didn't do well their proper job. The hand wash had been empty for first two days, and the toilet paper never enough, the phone in the room did not work, so we needed to go down to reception to ask for toilet paper every time. And the bed sheets and covers had not been changed for two nights until we requested the cleaning lady to change for us.

ibis London Earls Court周辺の観光スポット


Bomber Command Memorial


Lord's Cricket Ground


Her Majesty's Theatre


Lyric Theatre London


Queen's Theatre


Lambeth Palace


Ambassadors Theatre


Lyceum Theatre


Duchess Theatre


Novello Theatre


Primrose Hill


Sir John Soane's Museum


Gabriel's Wharf







La Table


  • インターナショナル


  • ファミリーフレンドリー
  • モダンな

La Table


  • イギリス料理
  • イタリアン
  • ピザ
  • インターナショナル
  • ヨーロッパ


  • ファミリーフレンドリー
  • モダンな

George & Dragon Pub


  • イギリス料理
  • イタリアン
  • 地中海
  • ピザ
  • ヨーロッパ


  • ファミリーフレンドリー
  • 伝統的な
  • モダンな

ibis London Earls Courtのアメニティ











滞在規則 - ibis London Earls Court

  • チェックイン / チェックアウト

  • ペット

  • インターネット

  • 年齢制限

  • 門限

  • 駐車場

  • 子供とベッド

  • この施設で受け付けるカード

