
3,554 件のレビュー

Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA

Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA

50 Third Street, San Francisco, 94103, カリフォルニア州, アメリカ










Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA

Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMAへようこそ。カリフォルニア州サンフランシスコの中心部に位置する4つ星ホテルです。市内中心部からわずか1.2マイルの便利な立地にあり、このホテルは活気ある街の探索のための理想的な拠点です。

ホテルでは、無料Wi-Fi、エアコン、24時間対応のフロントデスクなど、快適な滞在をお約束するさまざまな設備を提供しています。ホテルのレストランで美味しい朝食を楽しんだ後、観光の一日を楽しむことができます。3554のレビューをご覧いただくと、Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMAで安心して滞在できることでしょう。

ホテルの客室には、専用バスルーム、バスタブ、無料のバスアメニティなど、モダンな設備が整っています。ホテルでは、ペット同伴の宿泊施設やフィットネスセンターなどの特別サービスも提供しています。バー、ビジネスセンター、敷地内駐車場などの追加設備もあります。$155から始まる料金で、Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMAは街での滞在において優れた価値を提供しています。

活気あふれる都市を探索した後、ホテル内のレストランLa Sociétéで料理の欲求を満たしてください。モダンな雰囲気を提供するLa Sociétéでは、アメリカ料理とフレンチ料理の素敵なブレンドを提供しています。経験豊富なシェフによって調理された美味しい食事をご堪能ください。ホテル内で思い出に残るダイニング体験を提供します。ジューシーなバーガーが食べたい場合も、フレンチクラシックを楽しみたい場合も、La Sociétéが対応します。Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMAでは、支払いの利便性も重視されています。Visa、JCB、Diners Club、Discover、Mastercard、American Expressなど、幅広い支払い方法を受け入れています。現金は支払いの形式として受け付けていませんので、すべてのゲストに便利でストレスフリーな体験を提供します。ですので、お財布の心配をせず、サンフランシスコでの滞在を楽しんでください。さまざまな好みやグループのサイズに合わせた部屋タイプから選択してください。一人旅、パートナーとの旅行、家族全員との旅行、あなたにぴったりの部屋があります。広々としたクラブキングルームからエレガントなクイーンルームまで、すべての部屋には快適さを確保するためのモダンな設備が整っています。どの部屋でも喫煙は許可されていないため、滞在中は新鮮で快適な環境を期待できます。ですので、どの部屋を選んでも、快適で楽しいリトリートが待っています。便利な立地、一流の設備、美味しいダイニングオプション、さまざまな部屋タイプから選択できるHyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMAは、賑やかな都市での滞在に最適な選択肢です。今すぐご予約いただき、サンフランシスコの活気あふれるエネルギーを満喫しながら、ホテルが提供する快適さと贅沢をお楽しみください。


Oakland International Airport


San Francisco International Airport


Buchanan Field Airport


Norman Y. Mineta San José International Airport


Sonoma County Airport


















Club King Room - single occupancy in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Club King Room - single occupancy in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Club King Room - single occupancy in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Club King Room - single occupancy in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Club King Room - single occupancy in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Club King Room - single occupancy in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Club King Room - single occupancy in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Club King Room - single occupancy in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Club King Room - single occupancy in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Club King Room - single occupancy in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Club King Room - single occupancy in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Club King Room - single occupancy in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Club King Room - single occupancy in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Club King Room - single occupancy in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Club King Room - single occupancy in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Club King Room - single occupancy in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Club King Room - single occupancy in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Club King Room - single occupancy in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Club King Room - single occupancy in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Club King Room - single occupancy in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Club King Room - single occupancy in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Club King Room - single occupancy in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Club King Room - single occupancy in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Club King Room - single occupancy in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA



1 キングサイズベッド

355 平方フィート










クラブルーム, キングサイズ

1 キングサイズベッド



King Room with City View in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
King Room with City View in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
King Room with City View in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
King Room with City View in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
King Room with City View in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
King Room with City View in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
King Room with City View in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
King Room with City View in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
King Room with City View in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
King Room with City View in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
King Room with City View in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
King Room with City View in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
King Room with City View in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
King Room with City View in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
King Room with City View in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
King Room with City View in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
King Room with City View in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
King Room with City View in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
King Room with City View in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
King Room with City View in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
King Room with City View in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
King Room with City View in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
King Room with City View in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
King Room with City View in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
King Room with City View in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
King Room with City View in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
King Room with City View in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
King Room with City View in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
King Room with City View in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
King Room with City View in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA


キングベッドルーム, シティビュー

1 キングサイズベッド

355 平方フィート







King Suite in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
King Suite in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
King Suite in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
King Suite in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
King Suite in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
King Suite in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
King Suite in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
King Suite in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
King Suite in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
King Suite in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
King Suite in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
King Suite in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
King Suite in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
King Suite in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
King Suite in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
King Suite in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
King Suite in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
King Suite in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
King Suite in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
King Suite in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
King Suite in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
King Suite in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
King Suite in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
King Suite in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
King Suite in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
King Suite in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
King Suite in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
King Suite in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
King Suite in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
King Suite in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA


スイートルーム, キングサイズ

1 キングサイズベッド

555 平方フィート







Club Queen Room with Two Queen Beds - single occupancy in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Club Queen Room with Two Queen Beds - single occupancy in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Club Queen Room with Two Queen Beds - single occupancy in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Club Queen Room with Two Queen Beds - single occupancy in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Club Queen Room with Two Queen Beds - single occupancy in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Club Queen Room with Two Queen Beds - single occupancy in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Club Queen Room with Two Queen Beds - single occupancy in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Club Queen Room with Two Queen Beds - single occupancy in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Club Queen Room with Two Queen Beds - single occupancy in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Club Queen Room with Two Queen Beds - single occupancy in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Club Queen Room with Two Queen Beds - single occupancy in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Club Queen Room with Two Queen Beds - single occupancy in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Club Queen Room with Two Queen Beds - single occupancy in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Club Queen Room with Two Queen Beds - single occupancy in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Club Queen Room with Two Queen Beds - single occupancy in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Club Queen Room with Two Queen Beds - single occupancy in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Club Queen Room with Two Queen Beds - single occupancy in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Club Queen Room with Two Queen Beds - single occupancy in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA


ルーム - クイーンベッド2台

2 クイーンサイズベッド

385 平方フィート










スイートルーム, シティビュー

1 キングサイズベッド





Queen Room with Two Queen Beds and City View in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds and City View in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds and City View in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds and City View in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds and City View in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds and City View in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds and City View in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds and City View in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds and City View in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds and City View in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds and City View in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds and City View in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds and City View in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds and City View in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds and City View in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds and City View in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds and City View in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds and City View in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds and City View in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds and City View in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds and City View in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds and City View in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds and City View in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds and City View in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds and City View in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds and City View in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds and City View in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA


ルーム - クイーンベッド2台, シティビュー

2 クイーンサイズベッド

355 平方フィート









Corner King Room in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Corner King Room in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Corner King Room in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Corner King Room in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Corner King Room in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Corner King Room in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Corner King Room in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Corner King Room in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Corner King Room in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Corner King Room in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Corner King Room in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Corner King Room in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Corner King Room in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Corner King Room in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Corner King Room in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Corner King Room in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Corner King Room in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Corner King Room in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Corner King Room in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Corner King Room in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Corner King Room in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Corner King Room in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Corner King Room in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Corner King Room in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Corner King Room in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Corner King Room in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Corner King Room in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Corner King Room in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Corner King Room in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Corner King Room in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA


コーナー, キングサイズ

1 キングサイズベッド

290 平方フィート







Premier King Room in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Premier King Room in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Premier King Room in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Premier King Room in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Premier King Room in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Premier King Room in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Premier King Room in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Premier King Room in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Premier King Room in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Premier King Room in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Premier King Room in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Premier King Room in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Premier King Room in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Premier King Room in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Premier King Room in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Premier King Room in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Premier King Room in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Premier King Room in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Premier King Room in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Premier King Room in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Premier King Room in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Premier King Room in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Premier King Room in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Premier King Room in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Premier King Room in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Premier King Room in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Premier King Room in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Premier King Room in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Premier King Room in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Premier King Room in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA


プレミア, キングサイズ

1 キングサイズベッド

385 平方フィート







Queen Room with Two Queen Beds and tub - Disability access in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds and tub - Disability access in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds and tub - Disability access in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds and tub - Disability access in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds and tub - Disability access in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds and tub - Disability access in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds and tub - Disability access in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds and tub - Disability access in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds and tub - Disability access in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds and tub - Disability access in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds and tub - Disability access in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds and tub - Disability access in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds and tub - Disability access in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds and tub - Disability access in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
Queen Room with Two Queen Beds and tub - Disability access in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA


ルーム - クイーンベッド2台, バリアフリー

2 クイーンサイズベッド

355 平方フィート









ADA King Room with Tub in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
ADA King Room with Tub in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
ADA King Room with Tub in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
ADA King Room with Tub in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
ADA King Room with Tub in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
ADA King Room with Tub in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
ADA King Room with Tub in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
ADA King Room with Tub in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
ADA King Room with Tub in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
ADA King Room with Tub in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
ADA King Room with Tub in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
ADA King Room with Tub in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
ADA King Room with Tub in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
ADA King Room with Tub in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA
ADA King Room with Tub in Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA


キングベッドルーム, バリアフリー

1 キングサイズベッド

355 平方フィート










クラブルーム, 2 クイーンサイズベッド

2 クイーンサイズベッド





3,554 件のレビュー















Gorgeous hotel with comfortable, spacious rooms and a beautiful bar area which I would visit again if I am in the city. Friendly staff.

The location is in an area with a lot of homelessness and drug abuse occurring on the street. However, this seems to be in San Francisco in general and not only in this particular area.





Excellent variety, service was attentive to your needs. I had second.

I was quoted 293.00 my actual bill was over a 1000.00 very disappointed.





The location is convenient to union square and the transportation around it is good. The hotel itself is nice, clean, the room size is good and the service is good, if you need anything housekeeping will get it for you.

Only need more racks or hangers in the bathroom to hang towels.





the rooms were very clean and modern furniture. The lobby was very inviting, lots of lounging areas. The staff was very friendly and helpful .

There was nothing I didn’t like except the doorman once summoned a taxi from the street for us, and that taxi took us in the wrong direction. English was not the first language. in the future the doorman should call a reputable taxi company.





We had the best time at Hyatt Regency SOMA! The hotel is beautiful, very clean and offers spectacular views over San Francisco downtown. The rooms are spacious, the beds are big very comfortable and we really appreciated the fact that everything was spotless. The breakfast was amazing- there was everything for everyone, and the service was absolutely impeccable. The restaurant staff went above and beyond to provide the best customer experience. Everyone at the hotel was lovely but one of the receptionists really stood out to us. Estefhani was absolutely brilliant. She was always nice and helpful and gave us good tips on our sightseeing days. I cannot recommend this hotel more and many thanks to everyone who provided us with such an unforgettable experience.

Nothing. Everything was great!





The service was incredible and the staff was very friendly. The location was great and just down the street from the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art as well as several restaurants/coffee shops. We were on the 30th floor and had a lovely view of the city and the bay. The fitness center was excellent and was fully equipped like a standard gym. The market on the first floor was delightful and had lots of grab-n-go options and bakery options.

Having to pay $75 a day for valet parking was a bit unexpected but that does seem to be in line with the prices of the city.





This was by far our favourite hotel in the US! We stayed here for a few nights and absolutely loved it. On arrival we were given reusable water bottles, and a voucher to their hotel shop. The rooms were so large, floor to ceiling window panels with a great view. Beds were so comfortable, and shower was lovely. We couldn’t fault the room at all! Staff were so kind and approachable too.

During our stay staff were protesting outside for more workers rights. I hope the company is listening to them pushing this agenda.





The room and location was fabulous. Very clean with a lot of nice amenities.

I was erroneously charged after night 2 a random amount of $826 after already paying $1101 for my whole stay. $150 deposit and $125 destination fee. After speaking with the manager on duty Micheal Gonzales, he did his investigation and found that I was in fact charged the $826 in error which he then advised it would be refunded immediately. I’m not sure why I was targeted and why my card was charged. It’s since been a week and I have yet to have the $826 returned to my card. The staff also was not friendly at all especially the front desk. I hope It wasn’t because I was one of the few and only people of color that you’d see there, but no smiles or greeting when I arrived at the front desk. I greeted them and was ignored and quickly asked for reservation info.





Fantastic location, lovely bar area and a really comfortable bed. We enjoyed our stay.

There was a lack of information about hotel policies, facilities and how to access or use them. We had breakfast included and access to the Regency lounge, but on check in we were given no information about how any of this worked. The first morning when we went to breakfast we were told we should have been given vouchers to use, so I had to go to reception to get those. There is also very limited information in the room about anything to do with the hotel - I had to ask the day before we left about when check out time was for example.





This hotel was one of the best I’ve been to, I have no complain about the facility, it’s clean and the rooms and beds were comfortable, the restaurant had friendly servers and the food was excellent.

I meant the staff that checked me In ,she seems a little exhausted and tired that day. Some of the staff that works there seems to have a little attitude problem, something they need to fix. There was one young guy that was checking in guest, seems he looks at guest face and choose who he wants at his desk, which is not good for such a outstanding hotel like this.

Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA周辺の観光スポット


Barbary Coast Trail


Saints Peter and Paul Church


San Francisco Japantown


Fillmore District


Pacific Heights


Grateful Dead House


Conservatory of Flowers


San Francisco Botanical Garden


Baker Beach


16th Avenue Tiled Steps


Sea Cliff


Golden Gate National Recreation Area




Marin County


Half Moon Bay



La Société


  • アメリカン
  • フランス料理


  • モダンな

Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMAのアメニティ















滞在規則 - Hyatt Regency San Francisco Downtown SOMA

  • チェックイン / チェックアウト

  • ペット

  • インターネット

  • 年齢制限

  • 門限

  • 駐車場

  • 子供とベッド

  • この施設で受け付けるカード

