
6,620 件のレビュー

The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome

The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome

1-6-3 Higashi-Shinbashi, Minato-Ku, Tokyo, 105-0021, 日本










The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome

The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodomeへようこそ!ここは、賑やかな港区の中心で贅沢と便利さが出会う場所です。たったの$161で、中心部からわずか4.2マイルの場所に位置するこの素晴らしい4つ星ホテルでの滞在をお楽しみいただけます。1-6-3 東新橋に位置する私たちの静かなオアシスは、東京の冒険のための完璧な出発点です。活気ある街を探索したり、街の美食を味わったりするのに最適です!


滞在を思い出深いものにする小さな心遣いも忘れずに—無料WiFi、禁煙ルーム、無料のアメニティがあなたを自宅のように感じさせます。24時間対応のフロントデスクサービスと、伸び伸びと寝るのが好きな方のための特大ベッドで、あなたの快適さが私たちの最優先事項です。さあ、荷物をまとめて、スタイル、便利さ、楽しさが融合した東京体験の準備をしましょう!ロイヤルパークホテル ザ 汐留でお待ちしています!

日が夕方に変わると、ロイヤルパークホテル ザ・汐留は、敷地内にある2つの素晴らしいダイニングスポットでその魅力の別の層を明らかにします!料理の冒険を求めるなら、HARMONYに行くことをお勧めします。ここでは、ヨーロッパ料理が主役です。朝のエネルギーを補充するためのボリューム満点の朝食や、観光の一日を終えた後の贅沢なディナーを楽しむ気分であれば、シェフが作り出す風味があなたの味覚を刺激します。もっとリラックスした雰囲気を求めるなら、THE BARは、丁寧に作られたカクテルやワインを楽しむのにぴったりのロマンチックな雰囲気を提供します。夕暮れ時の東京のきらめきを楽しみながら飲み物を味わうことを想像してみてください—それはまさに魔法のようです!

仕事とバランスを取りながら街を探索したい気分ですか?ロイヤルパークホテル ザ・汐留は、その微妙なバランスを実現するための設備が整っています。ゲストは、当ホテルの優れたビジネスセンターと会議施設を絶賛しています!無料WiFiでつながり、作業スペースの1つを利用して生産性を維持しましょう。長い会議の日を過ごした後や、午後の観光の後にリフレッシュしたい場合は、フィットネスセンターがあなたをお待ちしています!エネルギーを高めるための短時間のワークアウトでも、出かける前の長時間の汗を流すセッションでも、健康を維持する準備は整っています。

そして、あなたの滞在を忘れられないものにする素晴らしい便利さを見逃さないでください!ミニラグジュアリーのように感じる無料のアメニティを含む、現代的なタッチの数々をお楽しみください。特に長いベッド、24時間対応のフロントデスク、全館禁煙の客室があり、リラクゼーションと快適さが保証されています。すべての小さな詳細があなたの満足のために調整されているので、ロイヤルパークホテル ザ・汐留での東京の休暇は、興奮、リラクゼーション、そして忘れられない思い出に満ちた体験を約束します。さあ、何を待っているのですか?東京のエネルギーに飛び込み、私たちをあなたの第二の家にさせてください!


Tokyo International Airport


Narita International Airport


Hyakuri Ab

















エクストラロングベッド (> 6.5 ft)






部屋, エグゼクティブラウンジアクセス

1 キングサイズベッド






Premium Floor Deluxe King Room with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Premium Floor Deluxe King Room with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Premium Floor Deluxe King Room with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Premium Floor Deluxe King Room with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Premium Floor Deluxe King Room with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Premium Floor Deluxe King Room with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Premium Floor Deluxe King Room with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Premium Floor Deluxe King Room with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Premium Floor Deluxe King Room with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Premium Floor Deluxe King Room with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Premium Floor Deluxe King Room with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Premium Floor Deluxe King Room with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Premium Floor Deluxe King Room with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Premium Floor Deluxe King Room with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Premium Floor Deluxe King Room with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Premium Floor Deluxe King Room with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Premium Floor Deluxe King Room with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Premium Floor Deluxe King Room with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Premium Floor Deluxe King Room with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Premium Floor Deluxe King Room with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Premium Floor Deluxe King Room with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Premium Floor Deluxe King Room with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Premium Floor Deluxe King Room with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Premium Floor Deluxe King Room with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Premium Floor Deluxe King Room with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Premium Floor Deluxe King Room with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Premium Floor Deluxe King Room with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Premium Floor Deluxe King Room with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Premium Floor Deluxe King Room with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Premium Floor Deluxe King Room with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Premium Floor Deluxe King Room with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Premium Floor Deluxe King Room with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Premium Floor Deluxe King Room with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Premium Floor Deluxe King Room with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Premium Floor Deluxe King Room with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Premium Floor Deluxe King Room with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Premium Floor Deluxe King Room with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Premium Floor Deluxe King Room with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Premium Floor Deluxe King Room with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Premium Floor Deluxe King Room with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Premium Floor Deluxe King Room with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Premium Floor Deluxe King Room with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome


デラックス・プレミアム, キングサイズ, ラウンジアクセス

1 キングサイズベッド

1 ソファベッド

540 平方フィート







Executive Floor Suite Twin Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Suite Twin Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Suite Twin Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Suite Twin Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Suite Twin Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Suite Twin Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Suite Twin Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Suite Twin Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Suite Twin Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Suite Twin Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Suite Twin Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Suite Twin Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Suite Twin Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Suite Twin Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Suite Twin Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Suite Twin Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Suite Twin Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Suite Twin Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Suite Twin Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Suite Twin Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Suite Twin Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Suite Twin Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Suite Twin Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Suite Twin Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Suite Twin Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Suite Twin Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Suite Twin Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Suite Twin Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Suite Twin Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Suite Twin Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Suite Twin Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Suite Twin Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Suite Twin Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Suite Twin Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Suite Twin Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Suite Twin Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Suite Twin Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Suite Twin Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Suite Twin Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Suite Twin Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Suite Twin Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Suite Twin Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Suite Twin Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Suite Twin Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Suite Twin Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Suite Twin Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Suite Twin Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Suite Twin Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome


Executive Floor Suite, シングルユース, ラウンジアクセス

2 シングルベッド

830 平方フィート







Executive Floor Moderate King Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Moderate King Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Moderate King Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Moderate King Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Moderate King Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Moderate King Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Moderate King Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Moderate King Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Moderate King Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Moderate King Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Moderate King Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Moderate King Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Moderate King Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Moderate King Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Moderate King Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Moderate King Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Moderate King Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Moderate King Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Moderate King Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Moderate King Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Moderate King Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Moderate King Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Moderate King Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Moderate King Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Moderate King Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Moderate King Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Moderate King Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Moderate King Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Moderate King Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Moderate King Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Moderate King Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Moderate King Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Moderate King Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Moderate King Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Moderate King Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Moderate King Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Moderate King Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Moderate King Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Moderate King Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Moderate King Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Moderate King Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Moderate King Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Moderate King Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Moderate King Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Moderate King Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Moderate King Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Moderate King Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Moderate King Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Moderate King Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Moderate King Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Moderate King Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome


Executive Floor Moderate, キングサイズ, シングルユース, ラウンジアクセス

1 キングサイズベッド

325 平方フィート








Moderate Premium Floor, 1 シングルベッド, ラウンジアクセス

1 シングルベッド

325 平方フィート





Executive Floor Double Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Double Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Double Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Double Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Double Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Double Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Double Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Double Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Double Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Double Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Double Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Double Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Double Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Double Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Double Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Double Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Double Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Double Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Double Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Double Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Double Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Double Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Double Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Double Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Double Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Double Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Double Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Double Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Double Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Double Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Double Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Double Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Double Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Double Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Double Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Double Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Double Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Double Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Double Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Double Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Double Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Double Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Double Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Double Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Double Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Double Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Double Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Double Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Double Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Double Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Double Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Double Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Double Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Double Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Double Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Double Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Double Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Double Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Double Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Double Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome


エグゼクティブフロア, シングルユース, ラウンジアクセス

1 クイーンサイズベッド

215 平方フィート








ジュニアスイート, エグゼクティブラウンジアクセス

1 キングサイズベッド






Premium Floor Junior Suite Twin Room with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Premium Floor Junior Suite Twin Room with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Premium Floor Junior Suite Twin Room with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Premium Floor Junior Suite Twin Room with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Premium Floor Junior Suite Twin Room with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Premium Floor Junior Suite Twin Room with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Premium Floor Junior Suite Twin Room with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Premium Floor Junior Suite Twin Room with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Premium Floor Junior Suite Twin Room with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Premium Floor Junior Suite Twin Room with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Premium Floor Junior Suite Twin Room with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Premium Floor Junior Suite Twin Room with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Premium Floor Junior Suite Twin Room with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Premium Floor Junior Suite Twin Room with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Premium Floor Junior Suite Twin Room with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Premium Floor Junior Suite Twin Room with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Premium Floor Junior Suite Twin Room with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Premium Floor Junior Suite Twin Room with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Premium Floor Junior Suite Twin Room with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Premium Floor Junior Suite Twin Room with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Premium Floor Junior Suite Twin Room with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Premium Floor Junior Suite Twin Room with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Premium Floor Junior Suite Twin Room with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Premium Floor Junior Suite Twin Room with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Premium Floor Junior Suite Twin Room with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Premium Floor Junior Suite Twin Room with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Premium Floor Junior Suite Twin Room with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Premium Floor Junior Suite Twin Room with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Premium Floor Junior Suite Twin Room with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Premium Floor Junior Suite Twin Room with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Premium Floor Junior Suite Twin Room with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Premium Floor Junior Suite Twin Room with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Premium Floor Junior Suite Twin Room with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Premium Floor Junior Suite Twin Room with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Premium Floor Junior Suite Twin Room with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Premium Floor Junior Suite Twin Room with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Premium Floor Junior Suite Twin Room with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Premium Floor Junior Suite Twin Room with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Premium Floor Junior Suite Twin Room with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Premium Floor Junior Suite Twin Room with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Premium Floor Junior Suite Twin Room with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Premium Floor Junior Suite Twin Room with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome


Junior Suite Premium Floor, ラウンジアクセス

2 シングルベッド

1 ソファベッド

615 平方フィート







Executive Floor Superior Twin Room 38F with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Superior Twin Room 38F with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Superior Twin Room 38F with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Superior Twin Room 38F with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Superior Twin Room 38F with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Superior Twin Room 38F with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Superior Twin Room 38F with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Superior Twin Room 38F with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Superior Twin Room 38F with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Superior Twin Room 38F with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Superior Twin Room 38F with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Superior Twin Room 38F with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Superior Twin Room 38F with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Superior Twin Room 38F with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Superior Twin Room 38F with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Superior Twin Room 38F with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Superior Twin Room 38F with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Superior Twin Room 38F with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Superior Twin Room 38F with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Superior Twin Room 38F with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Superior Twin Room 38F with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Superior Twin Room 38F with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Superior Twin Room 38F with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Superior Twin Room 38F with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Superior Twin Room 38F with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Superior Twin Room 38F with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Superior Twin Room 38F with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Superior Twin Room 38F with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Superior Twin Room 38F with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Superior Twin Room 38F with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Superior Twin Room 38F with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Superior Twin Room 38F with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Superior Twin Room 38F with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Superior Twin Room 38F with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Superior Twin Room 38F with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Superior Twin Room 38F with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Superior Twin Room 38F with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Superior Twin Room 38F with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Superior Twin Room 38F with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Superior Twin Room 38F with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Superior Twin Room 38F with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Superior Twin Room 38F with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Superior Twin Room 38F with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Superior Twin Room 38F with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Superior Twin Room 38F with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Superior Twin Room 38F with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Superior Twin Room 38F with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Superior Twin Room 38F with Lounge Access (For 3 people only) in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome


Executive Floor Superior, 2 シングルベッド, ラウンジアクセス

2 シングルベッド

1 ソファベッド

410 平方フィート







Executive Floor Deluxe King Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Deluxe King Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Deluxe King Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Deluxe King Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Deluxe King Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Deluxe King Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Deluxe King Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Deluxe King Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Deluxe King Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Deluxe King Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Deluxe King Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Deluxe King Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Deluxe King Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Deluxe King Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Deluxe King Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Deluxe King Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Deluxe King Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Deluxe King Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Deluxe King Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Deluxe King Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Deluxe King Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Deluxe King Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Deluxe King Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Deluxe King Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Deluxe King Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Deluxe King Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Deluxe King Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Deluxe King Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Deluxe King Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Deluxe King Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Deluxe King Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Deluxe King Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Deluxe King Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Deluxe King Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Deluxe King Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Deluxe King Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Deluxe King Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Deluxe King Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Deluxe King Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Deluxe King Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Deluxe King Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Deluxe King Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Deluxe King Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Deluxe King Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Deluxe King Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Deluxe King Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Deluxe King Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Executive Floor Deluxe King Room 38F with Lounge Access - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome


Executive Floor Deluxe, キングサイズ, シングルユース, ラウンジアクセス

1 キングサイズベッド

540 平方フィート








エグゼクティブフロア, ラウンジアクセス

1 キングサイズベッド



Deluxe King Room - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Deluxe King Room - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Deluxe King Room - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Deluxe King Room - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Deluxe King Room - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Deluxe King Room - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Deluxe King Room - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Deluxe King Room - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Deluxe King Room - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Deluxe King Room - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Deluxe King Room - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Deluxe King Room - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Deluxe King Room - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Deluxe King Room - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Deluxe King Room - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Deluxe King Room - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Deluxe King Room - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Deluxe King Room - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Deluxe King Room - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Deluxe King Room - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Deluxe King Room - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Deluxe King Room - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Deluxe King Room - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Deluxe King Room - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Deluxe King Room - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Deluxe King Room - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome
Deluxe King Room - single occupancy in The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome


デラックス, キングサイズ, シングルユース

1 キングサイズベッド

540 平方フィート









6,620 件のレビュー















You can't beat the location of this hotel: it gives excellent access to public train and metro transportation (the Shimbashi Station, which is three stops away from Tokyo Station, is literary right downstairs); it also has a decent Family Mart and a couple of shops nearby. Breakfast, which is exclusively western/international cuisine during the week (they only offer the Japanese option on the weekend and in a different restaurant of the hotel), is adequate although they do have good coffee machines. We stayed three nights there: the first night in an Economy Double and the last two nights in a Standard Twin. I will strongly discourage the Economy Double for couples as the bed is too small for 2 persons.

The place lacks character and a sense of "community". One possible reason may due to the lack of an adequate lounge or public resting area with sofas and armchairs. The reception floor gives an impression of a train or bus station .





Well located, right beside the Shiodome / Shimbashi conglomeration of train lines, so easy to hop on your preferred train line. plus, you can walk under the shade of the train lines overhead. (an advantage for the sunny summer days). well connected to the Asakusa Line, which you need to get to / from either Haneda or Narita. The room felt dated, but was very spacious. Our kids could run around the room. On our first night, we had a problem with no cold water from the shower. They were able to address it and repair it promptly, and everything went smoothly after that.

Breakfast is a bit of a letdown, but similar to most hotels in Japan, the selections do not change. So be bored to death by the same food every day if you are staying here for at least 5 nights (stayed here for 4 nights). Also, not much restaurants on this side of Shimbashi, but you can cross past the main JR station to the other side, where most of the happenings and food are (there's an Ichi-ran branch tucked away nearby).





Oustanding location! This hotel was beside 2 stations, Shiodome station and Shinbashi station. Very very convenient. The stations are in the basement level of the hotel and are just a few minutes walk. No need to go to the street s. It was quite convenient also going to and from Narita Airport because there is a direct line going to Shinbashi Station. And there is an elevator in the station too so even if we had heavy luggage, it was quite easy. The area is good and safe. There are also a lot of dining options. At the Shinbashi side, there was even an Ichiran! It is also just I think 2 stops away from Tsukiji Outer Market! I also love that they clean the room everyday! Because in other hotels, they clean every 3-4 days only. We go home to a very clean hotel room everyday. Nice sized bathroom with bathtub too! The pictures don't show it but the room is actually a comfortable size. Spacious enough for 2 people. We can open our 2 big luggages easily. There is still space. The bed is also a good size for a couple that is not lean 😂 Oh and they also gave chocolates because we came during our anniversary. They even left a note. We love this hotel and we will come again!

Nothing, it was perfect.





I love that the staff worked with me to find the perfect room. I loved everything about the hotel, staff, room, and views! For me, views are important and I had an exceptional view from my room. Thanks so much





We had an upgraded room that was huge for Tokyo standards. The bathroom is typical high Japanese standards. It very spacious in the room we had, even had a seat for the vanity area. The location was excellent with multiple train and metro line options within easy walking distance. There's also an airport limousine bus service stop at the hotel lobby. The staff are very well trained, spoke English confidently, and friendly and smiley at all times.

The decoration in the room is somewhat dated by now. Definitely could use a refresh to keep customers coming back.





The check in was smooth and quick and the staff very nice. Although the lobby was a bit crowded at times, there were no delays. My room on the 35th floor had a fantastic view. I booked the Economy double with Tokyo Tower view and it was exactly as advertised. Even better than the pictures I must say. I had a fantastic time just watching the trains and skyline from above. The bed was very comfortable with two pillow options and the room itself was really tidy and clean. The hotel isn't the newest, but it didn't feel too dated.

The opposite has to be said for the bathroom. Sadly there was a bit of black mold in the shower and the showerhead itself was extremely dirty and moldy. It seems it hasn't been cleaned or replaced in years. Very disappointing. The air condition also had a slight smell when turned on. So I left it off. In the height of summer, this would have lowered the overall score considerably. But during my stay it wasn't too hot.





I cannot say enough good things about the Royal Park Hotel. Location, location, location! It's in the perfect spot to access Shimbashi Stations which is the oyster to your Tokyo world. :) The room was very spacious & well appointed. And they provide lovely pajamas for use. I purchased the rate that included breakfast & it was very good, efficiently run, & worth knowing it was available if I woke up hungry. The gym is small but has enough equipment to get a work out in while traveling. There is a convenience store right outside the lower level which was amazing to have - great coffee, snacks, alcohol, food, & ATM. I think I went there everyday. The staff was always very friendly & helpful. They even have a luggage scale to confirm weight before leaving for the airport.





Wonderful hotel in a fantastic location. Incredible view from my window of Tokyo Tower (and Fuji on a clear day) and a very comfortable bed. Fantastic breakfast with an array of options. A Japanese style breakfast is also available on weekends. Staff were extremely welcoming and professional. Well worth the price.

Nothing bad to report, but it would be nice to see the addition of a Spa.





The location is so convenient with an easy approach from both the airports of Narita and Haneda. Courteous Staff and a very well versed information desk. They are extremely helpful for planning trips.

Room cleaning was a little lazy. However, after informing them they quickly corrected themselves.





The room was extremely comfortable and the facilities were good. The hotel is in a good location, good access to several subway lines and walking distance to Shimbashi and Ginza. I stayed in the hotel for a night to maximize the location and to take the Asakusa Line to Narita Airport. Make sure to identify the train that goes to Narita Airport as there are only 1-2 trains every hour.

The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome周辺の観光スポット


Akasaka Palace (State Guest House)


Nezu Museum (Nezu Bijutsukan)


Happo-en Garden


Meiji Jingu Stadium


Tokyo Daijingu Shrine


Tokyo Dome City




Yoyogi Park (Yoyogi Koen)


Robot Restaurant




Rikugien Garden


Inokashira Park


Sanrio Puroland


Kawagoe Ichibangai Shopping Street


Kawagoe Hikawa Shrine (Kawagoe Hikawa Jinja)





  • ヨーロッパ



  • ヨーロッパ


  • ロマンチックな

The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodomeのアメニティ















エクストラロングベッド (> 6.5 ft)




滞在規則 - The Royal Park Hotel Iconic Tokyo Shiodome

  • チェックイン / チェックアウト

  • ペット

  • インターネット

  • 年齢制限

  • 門限

  • 駐車場

  • 子供とベッド

  • この施設で受け付けるカード

