
3,752 件のレビュー

Hilton London Gatwick Airport

Hilton London Gatwick Airport

South Terminal, Gatwick Airport, Horley, RH6 0LL, 英国










Hilton London Gatwick Airport

ガトウィック空港の近くで便利で快適なホテルをお探しですか?それなら、Hilton London Gatwick Airportをぜひご利用ください!イギリスのホーリーにある空港の南ターミナルに位置するこの4つ星ホテルは、空港へのアクセスが簡単で、中心部からはわずか1.2マイルの距離です。3752件のレビューがあり、最低価格は$143から始まるので、素晴らしい滞在ができると信頼できます。

Hilton London Gatwick Airportでは、滞在を楽しむためのさまざまなアメニティをお楽しみいただけます。24時間対応のフロントデスクからフィットネスセンターまで、誰にでも何かがあります。また、ホテルでは朝食も提供しているので、良い一日のスタートを切ることができます。そして、ペットと一緒に旅行する場合でも心配はいりません - このホテルはペットフレンドリーです(追加料金がかかる場合があります)。

便利な立地、快適な宿泊施設、さまざまなアメニティを備えたHilton London Gatwick Airportは、空港の近くで手間のかからない滞在を求める旅行者にとって完璧な選択です。さあ、今日の宿泊を予約して、フライトの前後にリラックスして充電する準備をしましょう。

長い旅行の一日を終えた後、Hilton London Gatwick Airportが現地でさまざまな食事オプションを提供していることを知って喜ぶことでしょう。ファミリー向けでモダンな雰囲気のガーデンレストランでは、美味しいヨーロッパ料理を提供しています。ボリューム満点の朝食や満足のいくディナーをお求めの場合、このレストランがあなたをサポートします。よりカジュアルな雰囲気を好む方は、エイミーズロビー・バーに行ってみてください。ここでは、地元料理とヨーロッパ料理の両方を楽しむことができ、幅広い飲み物のセレクションもあります。そして、手軽に食事を済ませたい方には、モダンな雰囲気のチャーリー・フライが、ヨーロッパ料理を楽しむのに最適なスポットです。

支払いに関しては、Hilton London Gatwick Airportでは現金を受け付けています。さらに、マスターカード、JCB、ダイナースクラブ、ビザ、アメリカン・エキスプレスなど、さまざまな支払い方法も受け付けています。これにより、柔軟性があり、滞在費を簡単に支払うことができます。

Hilton London Gatwick Airportでは、ニーズに合わせたさまざまな部屋タイプから選ぶことができます。4人の大人と2人の子供を収容できるファミリールームは、2つのツインベッドと1つのクイーンサイズベッドを備え、広々としたスペースを提供します。カップルでの旅行の場合、ダブルゲストルームはダブルベッドで居心地の良い隠れ家を提供します。贅沢さを求める方には、ラウンジアクセス付きのダブルエグゼクティブルームが、ホテルのエグゼクティブラウンジへの専用アクセスを提供します。そして、ペットと一緒に旅行する方もご安心ください - すべての部屋で喫煙は許可されていないため、あなたとペットは快適に滞在できます。

便利な食事オプション、柔軟な支払い方法、幅広い部屋タイプを備えたHilton London Gatwick Airportは、すべての旅行者のニーズに応えています。今日、滞在を予約して、空港近くでのストレスのない楽しい滞在を体験してください。


London Gatwick Airport


London Heathrow Airport


London City Airport


Luton Airport


London Stansted Airport



















エグゼクティブ, キングサイズ, シングルユース, ラウンジアクセス

1 キングサイズベッド



Deluxe King Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Deluxe King Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Deluxe King Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Deluxe King Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Deluxe King Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Deluxe King Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Deluxe King Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Deluxe King Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Deluxe King Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Deluxe King Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Deluxe King Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Deluxe King Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Deluxe King Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Deluxe King Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Deluxe King Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Deluxe King Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Deluxe King Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Deluxe King Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Deluxe King Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Deluxe King Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Deluxe King Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Deluxe King Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Deluxe King Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Deluxe King Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Deluxe King Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Deluxe King Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Deluxe King Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport


デラックス, キングサイズ

1 キングサイズベッド

25 平方フィート









King Deluxe Family Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
King Deluxe Family Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
King Deluxe Family Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
King Deluxe Family Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
King Deluxe Family Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
King Deluxe Family Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
King Deluxe Family Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
King Deluxe Family Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
King Deluxe Family Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
King Deluxe Family Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
King Deluxe Family Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
King Deluxe Family Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
King Deluxe Family Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
King Deluxe Family Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
King Deluxe Family Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
King Deluxe Family Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
King Deluxe Family Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
King Deluxe Family Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
King Deluxe Family Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
King Deluxe Family Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
King Deluxe Family Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
King Deluxe Family Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
King Deluxe Family Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
King Deluxe Family Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
King Deluxe Family Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
King Deluxe Family Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
King Deluxe Family Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
King Deluxe Family Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
King Deluxe Family Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
King Deluxe Family Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport



1 キングサイズベッド

2 クイーンサイズベッド

505 平方フィート









Twin Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Twin Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Twin Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Twin Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Twin Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Twin Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Twin Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Twin Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Twin Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Twin Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Twin Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Twin Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Twin Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Twin Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Twin Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Twin Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Twin Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Twin Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Twin Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Twin Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Twin Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Twin Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Twin Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Twin Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Twin Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Twin Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Twin Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport


ルーム - ツインベッド2台

2 シングルベッド

25 平方フィート








ルーム - クイーンベッド2台

2 クイーンサイズベッド

250 平方フィート






Family Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Family Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Family Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Family Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Family Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Family Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Family Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Family Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Family Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Family Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Family Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Family Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Family Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Family Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Family Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Family Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Family Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Family Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Family Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Family Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Family Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Family Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Family Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Family Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Family Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Family Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Family Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Family Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Family Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Family Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Family Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Family Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Family Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Family Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Family Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Family Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Family Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Family Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Family Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Family Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Family Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Family Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Family Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Family Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Family Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport



2 シングルベッド

1 ダブルベッド

345 平方フィート







Double Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Double Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Double Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Double Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Double Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Double Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Double Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Double Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Double Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Double Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Double Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Double Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Double Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Double Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Double Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Double Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Double Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Double Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Double Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Double Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Double Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Double Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Double Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Double Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Double Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Double Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Double Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Double Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Double Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Double Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Double Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Double Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Double Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Double Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Double Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Double Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Double Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Double Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Double Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Double Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Double Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Double Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport



1 ダブルベッド

250 平方フィート









Deluxe Twin Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Deluxe Twin Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Deluxe Twin Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Deluxe Twin Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Deluxe Twin Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Deluxe Twin Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Deluxe Twin Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Deluxe Twin Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Deluxe Twin Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Deluxe Twin Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Deluxe Twin Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Deluxe Twin Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Deluxe Twin Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Deluxe Twin Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Deluxe Twin Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Deluxe Twin Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Deluxe Twin Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Deluxe Twin Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Deluxe Twin Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Deluxe Twin Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Deluxe Twin Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Deluxe Twin Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Deluxe Twin Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Deluxe Twin Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Deluxe Twin Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Deluxe Twin Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Deluxe Twin Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport


デラックス, 2 シングルベッド

2 シングルベッド

25 平方フィート









1 キングサイズベッド

25 平方フィート







エグゼクティブ, キングサイズ

1 キングサイズベッド



Double Executive Room with Lounge Access in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Double Executive Room with Lounge Access in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Double Executive Room with Lounge Access in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Double Executive Room with Lounge Access in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Double Executive Room with Lounge Access in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Double Executive Room with Lounge Access in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Double Executive Room with Lounge Access in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Double Executive Room with Lounge Access in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Double Executive Room with Lounge Access in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Double Executive Room with Lounge Access in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Double Executive Room with Lounge Access in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Double Executive Room with Lounge Access in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Double Executive Room with Lounge Access in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Double Executive Room with Lounge Access in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Double Executive Room with Lounge Access in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Double Executive Room with Lounge Access in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Double Executive Room with Lounge Access in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Double Executive Room with Lounge Access in Hilton London Gatwick Airport


エグゼクティブ, クイーンサイズ, ラウンジアクセス

1 クイーンサイズベッド

270 平方フィート







Twin Guest Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Twin Guest Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Twin Guest Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Twin Guest Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Twin Guest Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Twin Guest Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Twin Guest Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Twin Guest Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Twin Guest Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Twin Guest Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Twin Guest Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Twin Guest Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Twin Guest Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Twin Guest Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Twin Guest Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Twin Guest Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Twin Guest Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Twin Guest Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Twin Guest Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Twin Guest Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport
Twin Guest Room in Hilton London Gatwick Airport


ルーム - ツインベッド2台

2 シングルベッド

250 平方フィート








3,752 件のレビュー














We always stay here when we need to, the fact the hotel has had a total referb is just superb the beds and room was so comfy and the reception did as I asked we had a downstairs room not far from the entrance. Our dinner was very good and inclusive of the price.

The breakfast was not to our liking it used to be so nice, the quality of the food was not as good this time. I liked smoked salmon and proper scrambled egg before. Also we like to have coffee served by the waitress not from the machines, where one was not working and capuchino was not authentic . The table was not cleared when we had finished. The music in the dining room was just unsettling perhaps something calm and appropriate to the newly decorated room could be played, after all people are relaxing and some trying to concentrate on work.





The staff on reception are great. The restaurant in the basement is very good and the waiting staff are very good too. We particularly like being so near South Terminal as we had a very early check in for our flight

Reception kindly upgraded our room to one of the new ones in the block at the end of the hotel. This was an extremely long walk from the lift which a lot of peoplewon't like and as I am rather lame it was quite difficult. We had no idea it would be so far from the lift. Even though there is another lift this too is a long way from reception. Also a slope down from the ensuit bathroom into the bedroom with a clattery wood floor which with my walking stick was rather noisy when I needed to get up in the night. We think the helpings of food inthe restaurant are far too big and not surprised a lot of people are overweight. Food was wonderful but helpings don't need to be quiteso big!





We booked the Hilton Gatwick only for one night because we had a very early flight in the morning. What a great decision, the link to the south terminal was just perfect and made it really easy to go to the check-in and get onto our flight. We were offered an upgrade before arrival (for a reduced price) but we declined (it's the Hilton right?). The room was spacious, very clean, had everything we needed, bed and pillows were comfy. We ate dinner at the Garden restaurant which had great service and enjoyed our meals. We didn't hear the planes despite being right at the airport so overall we had a great experience.

There was some mildew in the bathroom in the shower area around the taps and soap dispensers that hadn't been cleaned properly for some time. It would have been good to have more milk capsules as there wasn't really enough for 2 coffees and 2 teas.





It is quite rare to find a room that can fit a family of 6, so we were quite happy with that, plus the fact that the size of the room was appropriate for 6 people. The Breakfast buffet is pretty good. The location is very convenient when you have no choice than stay at the airport overnight (rail strike in our case), since there is a direct access to/from the airport without the need to take a shuttle bus.

The line at check-in was long, I didn't understand why the check-in of some people in front of us took so long whereas just took 2 min. There was also a long queue to be seated for breakfast (in spite of many free tables), so it looks like there is room for efficiency gains here and there. Although the room was said to be fit for up to 6 people, you have to know that 2 of us had to pack into one full size bed (54 inches wide). Was not really a problem for us, but might be for others.





Not a holiday destination in itself but perfect if you are travelling from Gatwick the next day. Started our holiday so well rested which really made a difference in jet lag when we got to our end destination (South America). Beds are giant and super comfortable. The soundproofing is perfect - you dont hear anything at all from the airport or anywhere. The staff are brilliant - both on reception and in the restaurant. One told me they really liked meeting all the different people coming through and you could tell they enjoyed their job and looking after people which was lovely. Overall so much better and less stressful than an early morning airport drive and will definitely do again. We also looked at other Gatwick airport options and felt this was by far the best value for money.

Foodwise I think there are better and cheaper eating options in the airport itself if you arrive earlier than we did - the food is what you'd expect of an airport corporate and quite overpriced for the quality. However the restaurant front of house staff went above and beyond to make it a less corporate experience and look after us including a complimentary delicious dessert at the end of the night.





Easy jet cancelled our flight and we were told to book a hotel as we wouldn't fly until the next day, so we booked here but there was only non refundable rooms left but we were told that easy jet would reimburse us. 3/4 hours later easyjet gave us a hotel voucher for here and told us that we would not be reimbursed because we were given a voucher, when we arrived at the hilton and explained to the reception manager she was extremely helpful and didn't charge us the room rate and accepted the voucher. Thankyou for not adding extra stress to our already stressful day! Clean, big, comfortable, easy location for tree airport and exceptional breakfast.






Staff very friendly. Excellent customer service. From check in to check out. The two gentlemen who assisted with luggage. Young man at restaurant, amazing service. I could clearly see he was under pressure. He was the only one at counter, serving customers, etc. Yet he was calm under pressure, smile, gave great service to all. If you have to take early fight or need to overnight and catching a flight next day and departure is from south terminal, i would recommend Hilton Gatwick Airport. 5 mins. Walk from hotel to terminal. Food was great. Room was great, bed was very comfortable.

Every thing was excellent. Hilton staff treats you like royalty. They welcome you, make you feel at home.





The room was clean, neat and modern. In general, the bathroom and the amenities were nice. The location was just right if you are taking a flight out of South Terminal, but very out of the way if you need to go to Central London.

As stated before, the location was out of the way for Central London despite the train station nearby. That weekend there was a transportation strike, which made things doubly difficult to travel and very expensive, but that is not the hotel’s fault. The shower should probably have an actual door to prevent water from splashing out onto the bathroom floor. Although the amenities were good for the most part, you should bring your own soap if you have sensitive skin and the shampoo may not be for all hair types.





Location was important as we had to take a super early flight after a previously cancelled flight. Food was good. The kids had a great time jumping on the beds (sorry!) and having pizza in bed for dinner.

I tried to call room service / concierge / reception for ages in the late afternoon to order dinner for me and my young kids but noone ever picked up. However, once I went to reception downstairs, the lady was very helpful, delivered my order to the correct place and the food was delivered quickly. We had a take-away breakfast ordered, but given that we had to get onto the flight (i.e. through airport security), we couldnt take the milk (200ml each) for the cereal and it was wasted in the bin.





fantastic hotel, we stay here regularly when when fly from Gatwick on an early flight. check in is quick and easy. I use the hotel gym every time. which has everything you need from a hotel gym, 6 or 7 different cardio machines, free weights and various other equipment. the bar and restaurant area always looks lovely, but we haven’t used this before. the access from the short stay car park is easy, lifts easy accessible. we stay in a family room, which usually has 1 king size bed and 2 large single beds also a large bathroom and s sting area.

nothing meets our needs every time.

Hilton London Gatwick Airport周辺の観光スポット


London Gatwick Airport


London Heathrow Airport


London City Airport


Luton Airport


London Stansted Airport



Garden Restaurant


  • ヨーロッパ


  • ファミリーフレンドリー
  • モダンな

Amys Lobby Bar


  • ローカル
  • ヨーロッパ


  • ファミリーフレンドリー
  • モダンな

Charlie Frys


  • ヨーロッパ


  • モダンな

Hilton London Gatwick Airportのアメニティ















滞在規則 - Hilton London Gatwick Airport

  • チェックイン / チェックアウト

  • ペット

  • インターネット

  • 年齢制限

  • 門限

  • 駐車場

  • 子供とベッド

  • この施設で受け付けるカード

